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“Whole Wheat Jesus” vs Disinformation Politicians.

Living vegan means protecting the climate and showing solidarity

"Whole Grain Jesus" vs. Disinformation politician.

“Whole Grain Jesus” is a ridiculous name that normal young people who are just starting their careers give a very important politician. It is meant as arrogant ridicule and wants to discredit the politician. Because what young people are not aware of is that they are probably not so wrong, because this politician is one of the few who are really good and honest with people. It hurts when the good is misunderstood. Unfortunately it is true that there are even young people who do not realize what is behind the promises and ideas of the many, unfortunately most of the other politicians.

real Solutions vs Lobbying. - “Whole Grain Jesus” vs disinformation politicians.

We have just reached a point in our civilization that decides the future or not the future of our species. Anyone who still makes disinformation a political issue does not belong in power. But unfortunately it is precisely these people who are in power and it is all the more difficult when the new generation is adopting the wrong ideas. And ridiculed those who mean well with them and could save them.

Soon there will be another choice. Until then, one or the other will definitely think about it. Because the events in the world speak for themselves. Unfortunately, those who are better not to choose are good at distracting from what really matters and deceiving people wherever possible. But we believe that good wins in the end. Yes we really believe in it. 5: 0 for “Whole Grain Jesus” vs disinformation politicians.

And here are some contributions and ideas from organizations and people who fight to keep the world intact:

This list could go on indefinitely. The lobbies still have so much power that they can control politics, but the devastating situation is causing their power to melt away. The consciousness of more and more people is changing. People show through their behavior that they are no longer ready to go along this path of exploitation, destruction and injustice.

There are now even studies by management consultancies like McKinsey that calculate how expensive it will be for the economy if we continue to neglect environmental protection.

Problem solving & future vs lobby - “whole grain Jesus” vs disinformation politician.

It really does Hoffnung. Everything will be fine. And for that we give everything. And people like the "whole grain Jesus" are the ones who will manage to unite the forces, so that many to be able to take the step in the right direction together and those who are still at disinformity politicians and Mock solutions believe, be carried away.

vegan diet is climate protection. At hundsfutter there are only vegan products.

The "climate protection tree" is a special snack for dogs that is naturally tasty and healthy, but also has symbolic value. Because with every tree snack that we sell, money goes to We Move Europe for their efforts to break the overwhelming power of the lobbyists in time before the climate crisis has progressed so far that nothing can be saved.

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Sustainability must be the most important value of our society.

Society has its values. And these values ​​put a certain amount of pressure on everyone. One wants to correspond to them. Anyone who can't do that is uncool or out. He is bullied or at least gently smiled at. Unfortunately, sustainability is not one of the “trendy” values. Sustainability must become the most important value in our society.

Society has a very clear picture of how everything should be, what is important and what is not. Of course, this clear idea is shaped by how we think shall.

Almost all communication wants to manipulate - in the sense of whoever pays it.

Our thinking arises from how we perceive the world. And that is largely influenced by the messages that reach us. Especially the rating that the individual messages receive, how they are presented, for example whether they come on the front page or on page 6, everything gives a message a color. And also details, such as the tone of the radio speaker, have a decisive influence on what people feel and think afterwards.

For example, I noticed how a radio station creates a massive mood against vegans. People are actually ridiculed who refuse to torture animals unspeakably for our daily diet.

At the latest, when the radio station then places one commercial after the other for the cheap offers of the meat industry, the connections should actually become clear. The broadcaster gets money to influence people so that meat remains the most important food.

The habits should be questioned better.

This is bad for the world, because we now know very well that plant-based nutrition is much healthier for people and also for dogs. In addition, our meat consumption has serious consequences for the global climate and is to blame for hunger in the world.

The manipulation in the media has become very powerful, it will no longer marked as advertising and most people are not aware of this fact.

Sustainability must be the most important value of our society.

This Manipulation of people's perception results in reduced judgment. Consumers can be harnessed for something that destroys their own living space and also negatively affects their own health. Specifically, to stay with our meat industry as an example: factory farming has serious consequences for the global climate, world hunger and human health.

Those who think differently are sometimes annoying - but democracy lives from the fact that it different opinions there and that's a good thing.

At this point, industry even conflicts with democracy. Democracy lives from allowing different opinions. It is better for everyone to listen to the critics because they are often ahead of their time. Crises that have their origin in the present, you can perhaps prevent it. The pressure of opinion that the bought media exert on people nips any “thinking differently” in the bud. This manipulation is unconstitutional.

The election promise “prosperity” is misleading and short-sighted.

Fortunately, many people claim that sustainability must become the most important asset in our society, but there are far too few. Because with the huge number of "uncritical followers", the economy has an easy game. The industry ensures comfort and prosperity, cheap food in abundance, and daring throwaway consumption and thus manages to keep the masses calm. The mighty of the economy buy the bulk, so that they can do everything undisturbed so that the balance sheet is correct. Until the planet collapses.

Life counts less than huge profits.

Life counts less than the boom in industry. It's all about maximizing profits. With meat, when blocking from Expansion of wind power or with transport policy, etc….

We destroy our own livelihood, nature, the world, everything. We currently live in a way that we would need 3 earths to cover our consumption of resources. But because we only have one earth, we are in the process of wiping ourselves out. That is why we have to rethink and sustainability must be the most important value of our society.

We all have to pay the price ... even those who didn't want to drive a car at all, didn't go on cruises, didn't fly short distances and didn't eat schnitzel.

Vegan lifestyle is cool.

We at hundsfutter would like us not to laugh at vegans' heartfelt desire to change something for the better. But on the contrary. We think such an attitude deserves respect. Because this vegan tries to make the world sustainable. He is committed existing solutions to the problems that threaten our lives, to implement and to make a difference here and now. In our opinion, a great attitude. Much more effective than most working groups, planning committees and studies. Or? And that's why vegan lifestyle very cool, Because Sustainability must be the most important value of our society.

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Valuable dog snacks and dog biscuits from hundsfutter.

We at hundsfutter actually do everything differently from snacks and food for dogs. Our products look different, are made differently and have different ingredients. At hundsfutter we make particularly valuable dog snacks and dog biscuits.

First of all, it is important that all products from hundsfutter Have food quality. Because we simply have a different approach to what we do than a normal feed manufacturer. We don't come from the business side. We focus on what is the best for the dog, the people, the other animals and the world and then we realize that we don't earn a lot from it and then just do it. Above all, it is important to us to make a good product. Something really sustainable and making sure dogs get good food and snacks. Particularly valuable dog snacks and dog biscuits without other animals having to suffer for it or nature being sacrificed (clearing of forests for more and more pastures, nonsensical transport routes to produce cheaply, ingredients from ruthless companies, ... ..)

Rather question things than just imitate them.

And we want to encourage you to question things. To questioning in the sense of whether everything has to be the way it is. Just because it always was. For example, a plant-based diet is also a very good alternative to conventional meat feeding for dogs.

It is very common for people to think that dogs are carnivores. But that's not the case. The plant-based diet even has many advantages for the dog. The diverse nutrients and vitamins that the dog consumes with plant-based foods make an important contribution to Health and the well-being of the animal. Unfortunately, many publications make cereals in dog food responsible for allergies. But that's not true. It depends on the grain. We only use spelled flour that is completely allergen-free. This is also the reason why many shops already offer our products as particularly valuable dog snacks and dog biscuits.

One must never forget that in the meat from the animals Mass keeping it contains many substances that are very harmful to the dog. Because the animals are usually weak and sick when they are slaughtered. Accordingly, what ends up in the dog bowl.

You have to be careful who you believe in and who is interested in eating and feeding a lot of meat.

One should also never forget when social media or magazines or other media put the grain in Dog Food demonize that grain is a very valuable and therefore expensive ingredient. Those behind these anti-grain campaigns mostly get their money from the meat industry. And since industrial dog food is primarily about making a lot of money, it is clear that it is better to praise cheap animal by-products and fill them in cans than high-quality cereals.

We decided a long time ago for ourselves and our dogs to reduce the meat and leave it out. And everyone is doing very well.

Fleshy food is also much more stressful for the organism. And just as we decided at some point to reduce the meat and leave it out, so we started with our dogs. And everyone is doing great. Of course, everyone has to decide for themselves.

We at hundsfutter make a large variety of valuable dog snacks and dog biscuits, with very different vegan and vegetarian recipes and a variety of purees, additional food and dog menus. Together, our products ensure full, healthy dog ​​nutrition. And because every single product contains very valuable nutrients and vitamins, dog owners who, for example, barked or feed a conventional meat-oriented feed are particularly happy to give hundsfutter as additional feed.

Even barfer like to give your dogs extra hundsfutter.

Our valuable dog snacks and dog biscuits and the others hundsfutter Products are very healthy and delicious and you can easily feed your dog a portion of vegetables, fruit and healthy spelled grain, nuts, herbs, legumes, algae, etc… ...

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Solutions to humanity's problems.

In fact, there are already many solutions to human problems today. These are known and obvious things like wind turbines, bicycles, soy milk, tofu, beans, regional supplyrepair instead of throwing away veganismSolidarity really sustainable agriculture, Bee meadows, unpackaged shops, Adopt dogs, compostable bags, economical cars, heat pumps, corner shops,….

Solutions to the problems of mankind, for example, have to be repaired by electrical devices instead of simply throwing them away

We are sustainability freaks and we are super happy that we are at got a replacement dough hook for a Krupps stirrer. Hard to believe, the device is about 40 years old, that there are still spare parts. But great.

Sustainability must be made mandatory by law, that's clear ... but EVERYONE can live more sustainably immediately if they make an effort. As this example shows. There are already many solutions to human problems.

But why do we still have so many problems?

Because we have the opportunities that we have not usebecause nobody wants to start and because nobody wants to give up even a tiny bit. We are obsessed with the fact that our life has to get a little "better" every year, and that we always have to get a little more for a little less money. All without asking where it should come from and who is paying the price for it. And we are also chasing after a “better” that is more and more removed from real life and real happiness. And unfortunately we are not yet ready to implement solutions to human problems, although we already have them today.

Our lifestyle actually needs planet earth three times ...

In the meantime we have reached a standard of living that would require almost 3 worlds if we wanted to live sustainably as well as we currently live. (In words THREE times the planet earth. One to live and two more to produce everything we consume.) This means that we demand our earth 2 times more than its regenerative possibilities. Although we have many solutions to human problems, we do far too little to transform our society into a sustainable society.

That means we use up our world. And that is extremely fast. There is nothing left for our children anyway, but as we now have to learn with Corona 19, we ourselves are no longer safe and our life in abundance can end very quickly.

But it's not that we have to live much worse to live sustainably.

Rather, sensible, reasonable restraint is necessary. A modesty that you only take as much as you need.

And it is one standby necessary to act fairly. This means that if you want something special, you have to pay a fair price for it. It is not possible that with tricks that end up at the expense of everyone, prices are possible that are not real. Because only if a group of people or a country, nature or animals are cheated out of fair treatment, is it possible for very little to get a lot. So our comfortable lives abound in exploitation and destruction.

Cheap prices ultimately come at the expense of EVERYONE.

Unfortunately, it has become a sport in our society to hunt for bargains and still want to get things cheaper. Everything is designed for that. There's hardly any other product promise when you hear the radio commercials, and much worse, it's ingrained in people's minds. In the meantime, people no longer even get the idea that it is precisely this "thrift" that is behind many problems in society. That the unemployed son may have lost his job, among other things, because the company had to close, because everyone was buying cheap and there was simply no more money for his job. Unfortunately, we are still a long way from implementing solutions to human problems.

In addition, our beautiful world breaks down, because in the end only very large and very unscrupulous companies can keep up and remain. Companies where nobody is relevant or responsible. The company becomes a system and the system has no pity. With no one.

Exploitation as the basis for prosperity ...

The success of the economy is often based on exploitation. Often you don't notice much of it because it takes place on the other side of the world. But we now also have people in Germany who work for starvation wages. The massive destruction of jobs by computer science means that less and less work is left for real people and thereby more and more people come into the situation that they can be exploited because they have to do what remains on the conditions that are specified. So we are still a long way from realizing the solutions to human problems.

At the latest with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, it should be clear to everyone that we demand far more from the world than it can give us.

And it is simply clear that it cannot go on like this. We HAVE one sustainable Develop economic and social forms.

It now depends on every little contribution. For every liter of petrol you save and every gram of carbon dioxide that does not rise into the atmosphere. Our world is now very damaged and we can no longer discuss or belittle environmental sins that we have committed ourselves.

But we cannot Politics and leave business to the task alone. It's often about power, so that many good ideas are blocked.

We can and must take the first step.

Solutions to mankind's problems are, for example, unpackaged natural biscuits for dogs that are healthy and sustainably vegan hundsfutter

Simply shopping unpacked is a contribution that can be made IMMEDIATELY. This strengthens a regional shop structure. That means the money is distributed differently than if everyone only orders from wholesalers or Amazon. Small brands that work fairly and sustainably also get a chance. Jobs are created in the region, the pedestrian zones are revitalized and it favors that other small businesses also settle and make life worth living. In addition, traffic is greatly reduced by such a structural change, which is also very sustainable.

And we can change a lot more easily right away. For example, we can grow our lawn so that the bees survive. We can just shop in a shop and not order directly from Amazon. And we can just leave the non-organic eggs in the supermarket. We can repair a broken device. And we can buy products that are made fairly. What would also be an important contribution is to eat meatless on some days. Or take the train to the meeting or go on vacation. When buying clothes, we can make sure that the goods are ethically manufactured. We can make a conscious decision what energy we should come out of our outlet.

The best thing is that our lives don't get poorer through conscious, moderate consumption.

In the end, our lives don't get poorer. On the contrary, it becomes infinitely richer. Because we start to treat others and the world with respect. Because we allow others what we claim for ourselves. Many solutions to human problems are mostly good for everyone.

With this attitude we signal to the system that it is important to us to act in this way. And we force politics and business to react, otherwise they will lose their position and power.

We want to make our contribution and an example for sustainable Act and be thinking.

We from hundsfutter want to contribute to everything that we do so that this positive change can take place. It makes us sad how naturally it is accepted that suffering may arise, for our comfort and our abundance. Lack of respect and humility in life are now normal. Whoever does not participate is uncool. We at hundsfutter want to be a company that exemplarily involves everyone in all areas of life and thereby really sustainable products manufactures that can assert themselves on the market due to their peculiarity and quality. This is real inclusion for us and we think that only in this way can a positive, constructive society work.

Willingness to help, Solidarity, Humility and respect must be a matter of course for everyone. These values ​​must not first be dealt with laboriously in social science lessons at schools. These values ​​must be anchored in society and the children must be allowed to grow up in an environment that is self-evident. They are the absolute basic values. The prerequisite for a functioning society.

The "system" is very clever and has every means to get us where it wants us.

We must be aware that we are distracted from the daily struggle for existence and afterwards, when we are exhausted, the last remnant of our attention and receptivity is occupied by consumption and distraction. The "system" uses this situation to become more and more powerful.

Through social media, what's up, Alexa, etc, ... there is all access to us, so that we can be controlled at will. We are at the mercy and have to be very vigilant so as not to be carried away by this suction.

Denn wWe have endless possibilities and solutions to the problems that threaten our lives. We ourselves have to start acting for ourselves and transforming our life into a sustainable life and not continuing to serve those who use us.

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Dog food zero waste and vegan.

vegan zero waste dog food for soaking

The hundsfutter we want to encourage to see things differently or to do things differently. Veganism is an important area of ​​our work, as is waste prevention. The goal is to produce vegan zero waste dog food.

Live with respect and respect.

As a dog person, you have a special relationship with nature and life. It is just important to him to move with respect and consideration. Of course, this also includes worrying about the other animals. Because how can you love one of the fur creatures and share everything with them when you accept the torture of "farm animals" for snacks and dog food on the other.

And just as sooner or later we ask ourselves whether we need to change something in our own diet, so it also happens with dog food and dog snacks. Because you can't feed cans with muscle meat from ducks, bites from veal or whole pork ears. It's just too cruel.

One cannot forget the horrific images of livestock farming, so that one gets out of meat and animal consumption. Or at least keep it measured and if you choose animal food, at least make sure that it comes from animal welfare-oriented husbandry. Even if it is more expensive. But you have to have so much respect for living things.

Unwrapped and vegan. Solve two problems at once.

And it goes without saying that we go one step further and consequently our products unwrapped to offer. With our hundsfutter No. 1 we took this step in the right direction. It is a vegan dog food zero waste. And we make it very energy-efficient and offer it dehydrated. This makes it easy to transport and therefore very energy-saving. The cellophane bags for smaller quantities are 100% compostable. And we simply send the larger quantities in a box made from waste paper. DHL GoGreen takes care of the transport.

Changing the diet is a matter of will. Just as it is a question of will to decide on a healthy, active lifestyle.

It's like most things, mostly a question of will. With zero waste as well as with food. Because like with packaging, there are alternatives when it comes to eating. Meat doesn't have to be on the plate. It is even much healthier to eat less or no meat. And it is fairer, because our excessive consumption of meat creates additional hunger in poor countries. It also protects the world climate, because the excessive hunger for meat causes unrestrained clearing of the forests for pastures. The massive animal husbandry is also responsible for a large part of the greenhouse gases and the groundwater and soil pollution from the excrement is huge.

So actually you are touching your head now because you can’t believe all of this. Why not ration meat long ago to help people take the right path? Why isn't zero waste already a public obligation? It is probably because of the great talent of people to look away when it gets uncomfortable. But also in the skillful manipulation of public opinion on this topic across all media. The fear that is fueled that man and Dog without meat cannot live is great. And the packaging industry is also always finding new arguments for not imagining life without it.

Every meatless day saves lives, prevents cruelty and protects our world. It is also very healthy.

The fact is, however, that every day without meat on the plate is a win for the world. And the more people measure and treat animals and the world and their fellow human beings with respect, the better life will be for everyone. Because if we managed to avoid garbage, we would have solved two of mankind's greatest problems at once.

And to make it a little easier to get away from the meat, we have at hundsfutter decided from the start to only produce products without meat.

Even big meat lovers like vegans hundsfutter Dog menus and snacks.

We do it so well that even meat-obsessed people have ours Snacks, Purees and menus very much appreciate. We are very happy and excited by that rising demand we can develop new recipes and have analyzes done. This is how our delicious and healthy products for dogs are replacing meat from the bowl on more and more days. This is wonderful because it is much better for everyone.

Less is more.

And when it comes to garbage, we make sure that our products are made without unnecessary packaging. Our principle is simple: "Less is more."

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7 dog menus are better than 1 dog food.

Dog nutrition naturally sustainable healthy

For a green lifestyle: vegan Dog food natural sustained healthy of hundsfutter

Dog menus from hundsfutter are brand new to us. We have just that hundsfutter No. 1 integrated into the shop. This is best vegan diet for dogsthat of course sustained and is healthy. We are also in the process of developing new recipes for the next ones hundsfutter Menus. This month we want a total of 7 hundsfutter Complete dog menus. We will then offer them individually and in a box with food for seven days varied vegan Dog food the 100% natural and healthy sustained at a hunt.

Very good, very sustainable and without compromise ..

Everything we do has the quality of human nutrition, it has to taste very good and it has to be absolutely sustainable. Sustainable through the regional ingredients, the gentle and energy-saving production and an overall concept that also with the Packaging and sets the energy consumption for transport. We prefer to send the 3 kg unpacked box. This is a recycled cardboard box that is just 3 kg hundsfutter No. 1 is filled and a label. Then nothing. Unpacked, because it's better.

"The new hundsfutter Nutrition for dogs, for a healthy dog ​​life. Because if a living being is well nourished its entire life, it becomes sick less often. The animal lives longer and happier and for us humans it is simply more carefree and more beautiful. "

The best thing is a healthy varied dog nutrition.

We avoid the expression here Complete dog food because we are convinced that the best nutrition is healthy, varied Food is. And it should be as natural as possible. It is not an ideal to use a "complete dog food" that the dog will eat all of its life. It's just not a good thing. Even if it were theoretically possible.

“Of course it is rather difficult in everyday life to always feed fresh and varied. That is why we are now offering a completely new particularly nutritious nutritional concept at."

Fortunately, we are not alone with these thoughts. Many veterinarians, nutritionists and animal rights activists are already discussing whether there should still be “complete dog food”. The term and definition are in themselves misleading. Because even if it contains everything the dog needs in purely theoretical terms, it is one-sided and never so rich in different nutrients. In addition, the artificially added nutrients and vitamins are never as well absorbed by the body as nutrients and vitamins that are naturally in a real one Food occurrence. According to the label of this “dog food”, everything is in it, but it is not necessarily useful if the animal cannot use it so well.

Many many valuable nutrients.

That is why the dog food is from hundsfutter natural, healthy, vegan and sustainable. Our concept offers the dog a large amount of nutrients that can be absorbed particularly well in their natural environment, so that the animal's body can take care of itself as it is best for it. Our concept is natural desire to respect the living being.

All-natural is just better.

Because we generally do not use any artificial additives, we have also decided to use well-combined, natural foods in our dog menus. Because the best way to absorb the nutrients is in their natural environment. And each dog owner is free to decide how and with what he provides his dog.

Our dog menus are a practical way to provide the dog with varied and good food. Be it in combination with home-cooked meat or fish rations, or as a vegan dog menu, to which everyone then adds the vitamins that they have been recommended by their veterinarian or nutritionist. Because every animal is very individual and only in this way can you be sure to do everything correctly. No complete feed in the world can do this, because it is a composition for a standard dog that hardly exists.

100% natural and without preservatives, flavor enhancers, colors or artificial flavors.

Very important with hundsfutter Dog menu is also that it is completely free of artificial additives. Neither preservatives are used, nor flavor enhancers, colors or flavors. We think it's just more honest. Because we cannot and do not want to use tricks to ensure that the dog always wants our food. Something that is unfortunately common with some other brands. who hundsfutter If fed dog menus, you can be absolutely sure of it the dog likes itbecause it's really good. There are no tricks at hundsfutter. The dog food from hundsfutter is 100% naturally healthy and sustainable.

The reduce the ecological footprint.

Fortunately, there are already many Dog owner convinced that the dog needs more than just meat. And they want to do something good for their dog and other animals and reduce meat consumption. It is very healthy for the dog. In addition, the world can breathe a sigh of relief and the conditions of the animals that are eaten can also improve. But there are also a lot of people who have already chosen not to eat meat anymore. We particularly turn to these people because it is our long-term goal to inspire as many people and dogs as possible for a vegan life. That is why we are always working on new, attractive recipe ideas or combinations to make veganism attractive.

Make veganism attractive through always new concepts.

In order to always find new interesting, healthy menus, we try different combinations. We are currently working on microgreens and improving vegan cheese recipes. And we already have a lot of other ideas that we want to implement soon. Our goal is to produce dog food as an honest, transparent brand that is 100% natural, healthy and sustainable.

Definitely sustainable, healthy, delicious, vegan and also people friendly.

But one thing is clear to us from the start: the new one hundsfutter set a link from your homepage to sustained, healthy, delicious vegan and also human-friendly. We want to help reduce the dog's ecological footprint and start a new era of honest ready-made feed with our innovative approach that is good for the dog and the world. Also want we new workshop form push the puts real social inclusion into practice. Solidarity and people-friendly, regional and climate-friendly, good for dogs and other animals, so sustainable in every sense.

"Sustainable in dealing with nature, animals and us humans."

All products from hundsfutter must be good for people, animals and the world. The product itself, but of course the process as it is created.

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Why we "just" continue.

Why do we "just" continue? Because we hope that at some point we will have more solidarity, humility, respect and compassion in the world and that we will then manage to live sustainably.

Why we just keep going.

What is happening in the world is appalling. We are absolutely shocked and stunned. It's just so unimaginable that from one moment to the next everything can be over.
But unfortunately, even before the virus broke out, people had to die because they could not be helped.

People should treat people well.

People treated the other people very badly. Even with animals and nature, but that's not part of the topic now. There has been little solidarity and compassion and help is often organized in such a way that it is sufficient for a clear conscience but does not really help people in need. Above all, not where people's need arises.
People's plight often arises from being exploited. They are exploited for abundance in the rich countries. And even become in the rich countries themselves People exploited for the wealth of a few.

Everyone can change something.

This is particularly bad in the poor countries, because when very many people do not have access to a decent life If you are denied medical care and education and if they are so poorly paid that they cannot even eat properly, then something like that can easily happen.
The Corona crisis is a cry for help from the poor. Basically, these are Connections clear and known. But it is very difficult to change habits and take a step in the right direction. It is often said: "If I change something, nothing happens." And that is exactly why we continue “just”.

People must not stop working for life and the future now. This terrible pandemic is now determining, but after that our big chance is to make a difference. Because then the moment has to be set.

To set the course so that we cannot all be located with one chip in the future and that the plastics industry can really wrap everything up for hygiene reasons. And that is exactly why we continue “just”.
It is very important to make sure that the situation is not considered Ausrede is used to continue as before because it is supposed to be no other way. This excuse, for that to remain in what is and to look away before it becomes uncomfortable we know from before Corona 19.
Of course, a switch to one fair trade Bring changes.
Also, for example Switching to renewable energy sources is going to make big changes entail.

And just like eco energy, so is it meaty Nutrition, the fixation on Cheap consumption, the Disposable culture, the unreflected consumer behavior, in which jobs and livelihoods are destroyed on a large scale ...... but what we gain on the other hand is priceless:

Because we gain hope for a sustainable life and for the future. So that our children can easily start a family.

We can do it together if we stand up for real values ​​such as solidarity, respect, compassion and respect. And if we ensure that ethics do not have to be laboriously explained at school, but if the children are allowed to grow up in an environment in which ethics are a matter of course. Then there is hope that we can make the world a better place for everyone and that we never have to experience such a pandemic again. And that's why we just keep going.

We have long considered whether it is inappropriate to just continue with the work.
We believe that it is important now to do things with optimism, solidarity, love and strength and to get as many people as possible involved and to inspire that we all want to do it together.

The hundsfutter Team

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Slowing the world down to human speed...

The world brakes at human speed - so that everyone can participate in all areas of life and for a sustainable, life-friendly society.

We at hundsfutter would like to slow the world down to human speed. We do what we dobecause it makes us sad that there is no longer any respect for anything or anyone. The Humility before life has been lost. The rhythm just gets faster and faster. Our togetherness is becoming more and more superficial and more and more unscrupulous. More and more people stay Creature and nature irretrievable on the track. That is why we have to slow the world down to human speed.

Above all, we must reinvent ourselves. We must revive values. And give you real meaning. And we have to reorganize ourselves and not allow ourselves to be made slaves to computer madness. Man has something very valuable. At least in theory. Emotion, morals, inhibitions. All corrective, which are very important for a livable society.

The more we lose that and the more we adapt to artificial intelligence, the more we lose everything. In the end, the machines let us join in a bit and the distribution of roles that was originally intended has been reversed.

We lack real values. We have to understand that "cheap"And" new "and"the wegwerf“Have no future.

The world of digital overkill lures us with the idea of ​​a rich life without having to do anything ourselves. It lures us with promises of endless possibilities and endless growth. But actually we have to slow the world down to human speed and away from a technology cult. The machine world has accelerated our lives to such an extent that many facets of our lives are dying. Simply because we no longer have the time or capacity to nurture these areas of being human.

A process like “boosting up” then sets in. The more we drift away from real human values, the more receptive we become to getting even further involved in the technological cosmos. We are in a fatal maelstrom.

We need to be aware of the situation and counteract consciously. We have to be sure that we won't miss in the end. On the contrary. Because man needs a human world, which gives life a lot in its infinite sustainability.

Life is the most important thing we have, the world and the basics of life belong to everyone. They're not about any fancy ones to enable fantasies of omnipotence. Everyone is allowed to participate and nobody is allowed to take too much of it. Actually! Most certainly!! Definitive!!!

Life belongs to everyone. That is why we must slowing the world down to human speed.

Hopefully humanity will survive what is happening now and hopefully life after will give us another chance. And hopefully we'll make something out of it. (The sentence was written for Corona weddings....)