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Solutions to humanity's problems.

In fact, there are already many solutions to human problems today. These are known and obvious things like wind turbines, bicycles, soy milk, tofu, beans, regional supplyrepair instead of throwing away veganismSolidarity really sustainable agriculture, Bee meadows, unpackaged shops, Adopt dogs, compostable bags, economical cars, heat pumps, corner shops,….

Solutions to the problems of mankind, for example, have to be repaired by electrical devices instead of simply throwing them away

We are sustainability freaks and we are super happy that we are at got a replacement dough hook for a Krupps stirrer. Hard to believe, the device is about 40 years old, that there are still spare parts. But great.

Sustainability must be made mandatory by law, that's clear ... but EVERYONE can live more sustainably immediately if they make an effort. As this example shows. There are already many solutions to human problems.

But why do we still have so many problems?

Because we have the opportunities that we have not usebecause nobody wants to start and because nobody wants to give up even a tiny bit. We are obsessed with the fact that our life has to get a little "better" every year, and that we always have to get a little more for a little less money. All without asking where it should come from and who is paying the price for it. And we are also chasing after a “better” that is more and more removed from real life and real happiness. And unfortunately we are not yet ready to implement solutions to human problems, although we already have them today.

Our lifestyle actually needs planet earth three times ...

In the meantime we have reached a standard of living that would require almost 3 worlds if we wanted to live sustainably as well as we currently live. (In words THREE times the planet earth. One to live and two more to produce everything we consume.) This means that we demand our earth 2 times more than its regenerative possibilities. Although we have many solutions to human problems, we do far too little to transform our society into a sustainable society.

That means we use up our world. And that is extremely fast. There is nothing left for our children anyway, but as we now have to learn with Corona 19, we ourselves are no longer safe and our life in abundance can end very quickly.

But it's not that we have to live much worse to live sustainably.

Rather, sensible, reasonable restraint is necessary. A modesty that you only take as much as you need.

And it is one standby necessary to act fairly. This means that if you want something special, you have to pay a fair price for it. It is not possible that with tricks that end up at the expense of everyone, prices are possible that are not real. Because only if a group of people or a country, nature or animals are cheated out of fair treatment, is it possible for very little to get a lot. So our comfortable lives abound in exploitation and destruction.

Cheap prices ultimately come at the expense of EVERYONE.

Unfortunately, it has become a sport in our society to hunt for bargains and still want to get things cheaper. Everything is designed for that. There's hardly any other product promise when you hear the radio commercials, and much worse, it's ingrained in people's minds. In the meantime, people no longer even get the idea that it is precisely this "thrift" that is behind many problems in society. That the unemployed son may have lost his job, among other things, because the company had to close, because everyone was buying cheap and there was simply no more money for his job. Unfortunately, we are still a long way from implementing solutions to human problems.

In addition, our beautiful world breaks down, because in the end only very large and very unscrupulous companies can keep up and remain. Companies where nobody is relevant or responsible. The company becomes a system and the system has no pity. With no one.

Exploitation as the basis for prosperity ...

The success of the economy is often based on exploitation. Often you don't notice much of it because it takes place on the other side of the world. But we now also have people in Germany who work for starvation wages. The massive destruction of jobs by computer science means that less and less work is left for real people and thereby more and more people come into the situation that they can be exploited because they have to do what remains on the conditions that are specified. So we are still a long way from realizing the solutions to human problems.

At the latest with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, it should be clear to everyone that we demand far more from the world than it can give us.

And it is simply clear that it cannot go on like this. We HAVE one sustainable Develop economic and social forms.

It now depends on every little contribution. For every liter of petrol you save and every gram of carbon dioxide that does not rise into the atmosphere. Our world is now very damaged and we can no longer discuss or belittle environmental sins that we have committed ourselves.

But we cannot Politics and leave business to the task alone. It's often about power, so that many good ideas are blocked.

We can and must take the first step.

Solutions to mankind's problems are, for example, unpackaged natural biscuits for dogs that are healthy and sustainably vegan hundsfutter

Simply shopping unpacked is a contribution that can be made IMMEDIATELY. This strengthens a regional shop structure. That means the money is distributed differently than if everyone only orders from wholesalers or Amazon. Small brands that work fairly and sustainably also get a chance. Jobs are created in the region, the pedestrian zones are revitalized and it favors that other small businesses also settle and make life worth living. In addition, traffic is greatly reduced by such a structural change, which is also very sustainable.

And we can change a lot more easily right away. For example, we can grow our lawn so that the bees survive. We can just shop in a shop and not order directly from Amazon. And we can just leave the non-organic eggs in the supermarket. We can repair a broken device. And we can buy products that are made fairly. What would also be an important contribution is to eat meatless on some days. Or take the train to the meeting or go on vacation. When buying clothes, we can make sure that the goods are ethically manufactured. We can make a conscious decision what energy we should come out of our outlet.

The best thing is that our lives don't get poorer through conscious, moderate consumption.

In the end, our lives don't get poorer. On the contrary, it becomes infinitely richer. Because we start to treat others and the world with respect. Because we allow others what we claim for ourselves. Many solutions to human problems are mostly good for everyone.

With this attitude we signal to the system that it is important to us to act in this way. And we force politics and business to react, otherwise they will lose their position and power.

We want to make our contribution and an example for sustainable Act and be thinking.

We from hundsfutter want to contribute to everything that we do so that this positive change can take place. It makes us sad how naturally it is accepted that suffering may arise, for our comfort and our abundance. Lack of respect and humility in life are now normal. Whoever does not participate is uncool. We at hundsfutter want to be a company that exemplarily involves everyone in all areas of life and thereby really sustainable products manufactures that can assert themselves on the market due to their peculiarity and quality. This is real inclusion for us and we think that only in this way can a positive, constructive society work.

Willingness to help, Solidarity, Humility and respect must be a matter of course for everyone. These values ​​must not first be dealt with laboriously in social science lessons at schools. These values ​​must be anchored in society and the children must be allowed to grow up in an environment that is self-evident. They are the absolute basic values. The prerequisite for a functioning society.

The "system" is very clever and has every means to get us where it wants us.

We must be aware that we are distracted from the daily struggle for existence and afterwards, when we are exhausted, the last remnant of our attention and receptivity is occupied by consumption and distraction. The "system" uses this situation to become more and more powerful.

Through social media, what's up, Alexa, etc, ... there is all access to us, so that we can be controlled at will. We are at the mercy and have to be very vigilant so as not to be carried away by this suction.

Denn wWe have endless possibilities and solutions to the problems that threaten our lives. We ourselves have to start acting for ourselves and transforming our life into a sustainable life and not continuing to serve those who use us.

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