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Because they simply destroy our beautiful world ...

This post is written out of a feeling of bewilderment at what is happening in the world. All doomsday scenarios are filmed and are the material for pictures, novels, fairy tales and legends. It is clear to all of us what will happen if this continues. All people have a right to nature and life ... actually, but somehow it doesn't matter what happens to the others. Time is racing and one chance after the other to slow down the destruction of our planet is wasted.

Actually all people have the same thing Right to an unspoiled nature. And actually all people have the same right to life. Actually it is clear that one cannot take so much that there is nothing left for the other. Actually …

However, there are people who allow themselves to consume huge amounts of the environment for their fun or ego. Here in the pictures below for example, someone shoots himself into space as a tourist. An extreme example with immense effects on the environment. There are laws that say that all people have a right to nature and life. But in practice it looks a lot different. The injustice in the distribution of essentials will reach a level that even the rich countries can no longer enjoy their prosperity. The world's problems cannot be stopped by walls or police officers. And the people who are being cheated of their right to life are so numerous that there will be no retreat for anyone. This is because a few have exaggerated and taken too much for themselves.

It makes you very sad, angry, desperate, depressed and at a loss. The impotence of just having to watch things happen is unbearable.

You want to shake the world up. The dream of a place where you can be without someone else coming and being able to destroy everything with your greed is omnipresent. But where? Where is this place? People are everywhere and with your civilization they are even destroying the places where they are not themselves. So what's left?

Nothing and yet a lot. One can renounce what society considers normal and right in order to simply not “join in”, but to live according to one's sustainable, genuine values. Even if it can be a bit more exhausting at times, in the end it is the only way to a happy and fulfilling life. The pull of the crowd easily carries you away. But as long as you really feel, you notice this strange emptiness and unfulfilledness that emanates from when you just let yourself drift without criticism.

We cannot go on like this, we simply cannot allow that.

Whether it is the choice of the electricity provider or our way of dealing with the price war in the food industry. We have to react now because of that Ultimately, the consumer decides. Even if we don't get it easy. Better to inconvenience yourself now or pay a little more, but in the long run it is worth it for us because we gain life. And if we don't to begin, neither politics nor industry becomes active.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living. Fossil fuels must not be used any longer, because alongside animal husbandry they are one of the main causes of the climate catastrophe.
Sustainable energy generation is absolutely possible today. We have the technology and we could expand it and take a huge step towards one sustainable society do. However, there are political forces that successfully slow down this process, so that we continue to rely on energy sources that significantly destroy our world. And all out of greed and addiction to profit. Who wants can get his electricity from a provider like Greenpeace refer and thus calls on the state to continue to ensure the expansion of these energy sources. Our demand is the only force that can make a difference. That is why it is so important that we do not remain passive, but actively stand up for the right thing wherever possible.

Just stop participating.

Choosing the electricity provider is a crucial decision that is in our hands. When it comes to shopping for everyday life, we also have the strings in our hands. Because the Food production is a bad polluter. Especially with the cheap offers, which are at the expense of animal welfare and the environment. It is simply absurd how we hunt for the bargains in the various supermarkets, because otherwise we are more willing to do things like material. B. Cars to spend money. But with the environment and animal welfare as well as in solidarity, we behave rather sparingly.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living in. The price war in the food industry has fatal consequences for the world. Infinite animal suffering and the destruction of one of the most important resources of all, water, are the result of excessive animal husbandry.
Der Spiegel reports very vividly how agriculture in Germany threatens our lives. In a nutshell: It's about entrepreneurs saving money by disposing of huge amounts of liquid manure from intensive factory farming in the fields. It is way too much for the plants and the excess nitrate seeps into the groundwater. So that we in Germany no longer meet the EU limit values ​​and, above all, this has serious consequences for the lives of people in the land and the sea….

The values ​​such as empathy, ethics, respect, helpfulness, solidarity are systematically dismantled.

With a “drugged” carelessness, serious issues are dealt with completely inappropriately. On a large and small scale. Society is permeated with people who act without any scruples and thus find followers and imitators. In many cases it works according to the motto: The main thing is that I'm fine. And the main thing is that I have fun. It does not matter that everyone has the same right to nature and life. Regardless of whether it is the type of entertainment, the product range or the news. One would rather look away than grapple with the problems. And any distraction and trivialization of real problems is welcome.

Unscrupulous entrepreneurs use people's low instincts to do business. Such destructive games work against all attempts to make the world more sustainable and fair. They are like political tyrants who want to divide the world and strive for confrontation and opposition as the basis of society.
How terrible, the third world war as a theme for a game. Couldn't it be that the horror loses its reality because we have already experienced it all on the computer?

Beware of the negative influence.

Games massively change people's values ​​and behavior. Topics are treated in an entirely inappropriate way. The users are left alone with the game. The repetitiveGames written with a certain addictive factor draw consumers into a world that charges them negatively and destructively. Important values ​​of interpersonal life fall by the wayside and society is increasingly moving away from a life model that also thinks about future generations.

A positive movement starts with positive behavior.

Even if we cannot turn the world around so easily with our attitudes, simply by giving something positive back to humans and animals is an island for us. A world of people who think about what your actions mean for the planet, other people and animals. People who want everyone to have their right to nature and life. And it is something that rubs off on others. This is the only way to create a positive movement.

One has to start, even if it is uncomfortable or costs a little more. Because in the end we win life.

One has to start applying the values ​​that are necessary for a future worth living to oneself. There is a lot of discussion, but when it comes to your own comfort, other standards suddenly count. Whether it is the trip to work, the choice of the car, the holiday program, the clothes, the food or the thinking that you give to your children. Every little thing counts. Only if we live very carefully do all people get their right to nature and life

The big lie about animal welfare. The dairy industry continues to thrive, although even the most uninformed people know how milk is made to use campaigns and deceptive labels to simulate a reality that simply doesn't exist. This fraud destroys our planet and in the end people lose their existence.

The big lie about animal welfare. The dairy industry continues to thrive, although now even the most uninformed people know how milk is made to use campaigns and deceptive labels to simulate a reality that simply doesn't exist. Due to the climate situation alone, we would have to replace cow's milk with soy, rice, oat milk or another of the many alternatives. All are healthy and tasty. Many health problems would even be very positively influenced by reducing milk consumption.

It is our wish to make our contribution that the world moves a little in the right direction.

You could also say ours hundsfutter Workshop is the productive escape from the world. In doing so, we by no means cut the connections to the “normal” world. Rather, in everything we do, we refer to what happens every day.

For us, the unpacked shops are always a good comparison. They arose from the deep feeling of wanting to do something positive and finding real answers to the world's problems. The unpacked shops invite other people to question their lifestyle and offer those who have already decided to live sustainably a chance to combine their ideals with their normal everyday life. Because all people have the same right to nature and life.

We also want every product we manufacture to contribute to this change. From the materials used, the selected suppliers, to the production and shipping. Everything has to be sustainable and fair. Our snacks for dogs, dog biscuits, dog purees and dog menus and dog accessories should make dogs happy, healthy and carry our ideals forward. That means: hundsfutter is good for humans, dogs, the world and other animals.

Everyone can only take enough to leave enough for the others. Sure, because everyone has the same right to nature and life!
Love message from Moscow to New York. We recently sent a vegan dog greeting for Tim from Moscow to New York.

Ambassadors for a sustainable and just world.

Every order from us is a nice confirmation that many people feel like us. We are particularly pleased that more and more people are ordering our products in order to give them away as gifts. As Ambassadors for a sustainable, just world. Because all people have the same right to nature and life.

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