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Sustainable vision for a future worth living in vs "politics is what works."

This quote was recently in the mirror. It comes from Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Spiegel's comment was something that made the author wonder if one shouldn't expect a little more vision from a leader. Because only sustainable visions can livable future enable.

But that's not what this is supposed to be about. The only aim of this post is to summarize what is happening and what we can do. And that it is very important that we do something ourselves. In fact, very few politicians have made it their goal to exemplify and convey a positive vision to people. And that's exactly what it depends on whether we can perhaps still preserve our world for future generations.

Because everyone, from the leader to the executor, can make a contribution. Absolutely in every profession and in every private act, you can decide whether you want to exploit the world more or less or not at all. And whether you want others to have to pay the price for your own convenience or whether you really need so much that the world cannot keep up with our consumption.

The Nature finally wants to breathe easy. It calls for a sustainable vision for a future worth living in.

Politicians love to argue with science. And that our society is based on scientific knowledge. And the decisions of politics would take these scientific findings as a basis. But on a great many subjects, science is completely ignored. The scientist who says the “right thing” is seen and taken seriously. What fits into the party program and what the party can expect of the guarantors. So that they are not torn out of their comfortable routine and end up choosing "wrong" for the next choice. There is a very short-term planning, because there are elections every 4 years.

The fortunes of our world urgently need decisions whose positive effect we will notice over a longer period of time. Decisions that result in short-term "patchwork" are currently plunging us into ruin. In the corona pandemic and afterwards, we need sustainable visions for a future worth living more than ever before. Because a vaccination and herd immunity are only protection against this pandemic, but the changes in our habitat, the climate and the ecosystem will result in new problems of this kind. We have to face this crisis and all conceivable crises sustainably and holistically.

Nature finally wants to breathe easy. It calls for a sustainable vision for a future worth living in. Emission-free urban transport that can be used free of charge would be a step in the right direction.

Actually it works ... in Madrid there is a bus line that is free to use and runs on electricity. Unfortunately, Spain is not very advanced with the use of renewable energy, which makes the value of this facility somewhat symbolic. But at least. If we take science first, then we have to introduce such measures very quickly and make sustainability easy for people. As long as bus and train journeys are more expensive than driving, it will be very difficult to rethink.

"Nobody can help it."

One of the basic problems of our society is that we don't feel responsible for what happens. Everything “just happens” and you “can't do anything anyway”. This setting is very convenient and is the equivalent of the quote above: “Politics is what works.” Everyone now hopes that “normality” will return after Corona. But the so-called "normality" has led us into exactly the difficult situation we are currently going through. Normal is no longer possible. When we have survived Corona, we have to change a lot. We have to realize that what we have done before is not sustainable and overwhelms our planet. We have a system that growth is the only way to keep it going. And growth has to be faster and faster. And meanwhile more and more people, even in rich countries, have to pay for their neighbors' prosperity by being spared and impoverished by the system.

Our system has grown when growth was possible at the expense of those who were not so clearly visible. But now we have reached another phase of the exploitation of the world. In addition, more and more people are taking part in the crises in the world through the media and criticism is loud. It is becoming more and more difficult to ignore the grievances. And even uncomfortable scientists can no longer be so easily ignored. And there are some fantastic organizations fighting for our world. By the way, nature itself has meanwhile also spoken out. Actually, there is no longer any doubt that sustainable visions are the only chance for a future worth living in.

Our habits destroy our own livelihood.

"There is therefore no way around making the cultivation of oil plants without exception more environmentally and socially compatible," said Petersen. At the same time, consumers would have to change their behavior: Fewer ready meals, ice cream, chocolate, sweets and snacks also lead to lower palm oil consumption. Palm oil should no longer be used in biofuels, she said. According to the WWF study, around 1,8 million tons of palm oil are consumed in Germany every year. Of this, 41 percent went into biodiesel and 40 percent into food and feed. Another 17 percent is reportedly used by the industry for cleaning agents, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. Other nature conservation organizations also advise against switching to alternative vegetable oils such as rapeseed or sunflowers. So writes Greenpeace on his website, a shift to soybean oil, the second most important vegetable oil in the world, will exacerbate the already existing problems in growing countries like Brazil and Argentina. The organization is also calling for more sustainable cultivation. "

WWF director of studies Ilka Petersen in Berlin
The climate report from Spiegel shows how the situation has developed. We just don't have time to give top priority to climate protection.

To understand the first of the situation, here's the one Climate report from the mirror.

Anyone who declares renewable trees to be bioenergy sources and operates power plants with them shows that they are not taking the energy transition seriously. Unfortunately, this declaration was made with the government's blessing.
One of the Ecological lies from the field of sustainable energy transition:

"The federal government is on that Wrong way"

From Philip Bethge for the mirror

Unfortunately, it is possible to declare worthless plastic waste as recyclable and to export it to poor countries. There people are left with the problem alone.

A garbage lie:

Greenpeace study

Malaysia becomes a German garbage dump

Plastic waste from Germany ends up in illegal landfills in Malaysia - and becomes an environmental risk there. A Greenpeace report now makes the extent clear Nils Klawitter for the mirror

Palm oil is found in almost all supermarket products.

Everyone can send a clear signal when shopping. Because if we greatly reduce the consumption of raw materials, the production of which is very damaging to our environment, the economy will react. This is the only way we can achieve a sustainable transformation.

Palm oil is very cheap. So actually notbecause forests are cleared, moors drained, people are mistreated and animals are exterminated. This is mainly due to the fact that the buyers of palm oil, such as the EU, are putting such pressure on the price that the producers, very poor countries, have little more to do than to pass this unscrupulous pressure on to nature, people and animals . It is particularly bad that we can find palm oil in almost every supermarket product because it is so cheap, also in biodiesel (why is it actually allowed to be called organic diesel ???) and in fattening feed for animals in factory farming. If we the Science seriously and as a basis for our worldview, then we would have to reduce our palm oil consumption as quickly as possible. But we cannot simply replace palm oil either, because that also has negative consequences. We have to Reduce consumption in order to get to a level that can be produced sustainably. We should transform our society for a future worth living by now at the latest with a sustainable vision.

Nature pulls the emergency brake.

The world is pulling the emergency brake more and more and making itself uninhabitable for those who ask too much of it. In the different phases of the lockdown one could see impressively how many problems are solved if certain activities are simply reduced. It would be right now to consider how we can resume our activity, which also defines our modern life, in such a way that it is no longer too much for nature. That is the most important task for all of us and that is what politics should be today. We have to convey a positive vision for a sustainable future. And we also have to take uncomfortable scientific findings seriously and act accordingly, even if it may initially seem like a deterioration in our life.

And politicians have to pass appropriate resolutions so that people are supported in their positive endeavors. So that all the small positive contributions add up and a positive avalanche arises that really moves something and makes our survival as human beings on earth possible.

Don't talk, act. That’s why we’re planning a lot for the New Year. Here is our sustainable vision for a future worth living in:

We at hundsfutter are now finally a 100% vegan company.

- We will replace our popular cheese snack with a vegan “Parmesan” snack. Because now these cheese substitutes have become so good that it is possible. We always had the cheese snack in our program to win over people who couldn't imagine that their dog would like to eat vegan snacks and menus and that they are also very healthy for him. We are already testing. We will soon be introducing our first vegan cheese snack for dogs. We simply believe in the need for a reorientation in the plant-based diet. Private as with hundsfutter let's go new ways. Because just going on as if everything were fine the way it is is simply no longer possible. Then we are finally a 100% vegan company.

Vegan cheeses are already very good. Everyone can support the development by buying these products and showing the economy that they are interested in vegan products.

Vegan cheese (substitute) and Parmesan (substitute) have become very good. As more and more people shop consciously and accept vegan products, the industry is increasingly encouraged to invest in these products. With the result that they keep getting better. Making the cheese ourselves is still too time-consuming for us at the moment. But we want to use selected vegan cheeses for our new dog snacks with vegan cheese.

We will now pack our sustainable products even more sustainably.

- We're all going to improve our cellophane bags. We have finally found cellophane bags that are the right size and can be disposed of on the household compost. It's really sustainable. But for everyone who wants to buy snacks and dog menus for their dogs even more sustainably, we have unpackaged dog snacks and menus on offer in our online shop and in some shops. They are then filled directly into the boxes and do not require any cellophane bags. We will significantly increase the range of these unpackaged snacks and menus for dogs this year. In addition, we will introduce mixed snack boxes so that you can order a wide variety of products in smaller quantities, unpacked, in the hundsfutter Online shop and in specialist shops.

The  hundsfutter everything is packaged sustainably. We only use recycled cardboard, paper, wood chips, recyclable glass and cellophane that is compostable.

Cellophane bags, which can even be composted on the house compost, are now at hundsfutter replace all previous cellophane bags. Since we still have a few bags, the process will take a while, but the first products will only be delivered this way. Cellophane, the sustainable way to store food. Cellulose is made from pure cellulose, a packaging material that is plasticizer-free and BPA-free. After using are Cellophane bags compostable and thus a valuable contribution to a plastic-free life!

Advantages of pure cellophane / cell glass

  • Environmentally friendly packaging material
  • Made from cellulose, from certified trees
  • Tasteless and odorless
  • BPA free, without plasticizers
  • Uncoated, plastic-free, heavy metal-free
  • Free from nitrosamines and vinyl chloride monomers
  • Without epoxy resins, free of isothiazolinone derivatives
  • Compostable, biodegradable

Our sustainable approach to nature ensures better products and better environmental protection.

  • - The hundsfutter we want to develop more and more new recipes with regional ingredients. There are just so many good ingredients that don't have to travel long distances that they can't go unused. We're working on that and trying out what you can do with it. Our product is actually the sustainable vision for a future worth living in.
We have developed new snacks and products for dogs that use local ingredients and are very healthy for dogs.

Our new dog snack with Beetroot is a very good example that the best things can be found right on the doorstep. Beetroot is a beet plant and originally comes from the Mediterranean region. Today it is also grown in Germany and is one of the healthy winter vegetables because it is freshly harvested from September to March. 

The beets are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron as well as the vitamins of the B group, vitamin C and folic acid. The dye betanine, which gives the beetroot its characteristic color, is one of the Flavonoids (phytochemicals). Betanin is said to have antioxidant properties. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE) the cardiovascular system and prevent heart disease. In addition, the phytochemicals in the body should free radicals intercept. Folic acid and iron are also crucial in the formation red Blood cells involved why Beetroot also has a positive effect on the blood balance. Beetroot also contains nitrate and nitrogen compounds, which according to some studies can help against high blood pressure and diabetes.

Using seasonal products means that you don't force anything from nature that it can't actually give.

The Utopia seasonal calendar is ideal to find out which vegetables grow in which season. Consuming seasonally saves the world unnecessary transport and dung in the groundwater.

If you orient yourself towards the seasonal occurrence of food in nature, you make a very large contribution to climate protection. Because “forcing” that we want to have every imaginable food available anytime and anywhere. accounts for a very large part of the problems we have in the world.

For us, growth means more social return, more animal welfare, more environmental protection, more fairness, more satisfaction in the team and more future.

  • - Our commitment is: the further we come and grow, the greener and more sustainable we become. It is really not easy to deviate from the comfortable course in our system. But it is very nice that we have received encouragement and help from so many sides and that ours hundsfutter is simply accepted and bought. We are infinitely grateful for that. This allows us to move on and it gives us an incredible amount of positive energy. And it is especially nice that many of the news that we introduce are inspired or triggered by comments or ideas that our customers have expressed. It is a lot of fun for us that this interaction enriches our project so much.

Vegan nutrition is healthy and protects the climate.

The vegan dog snacks from hundsfutter make for a very healthy addition to your dog's diet. They are also a contribution to climate protection and help the positive drive that hundsfutter drives to spread.

This tree-shaped vegan dog snack is a symbol of respect for nature and life.
We donate the profit from the sale WE MOVE EUROPE.
An organization that works at European level to ensure that politicians actually keep their promise for a sustainable Corona reconstruction.

The hundsfutter we want the best for the dogs. But just as important to us are the climate, the environment, the welfare of other animals and fair cooperation among people.

Only if we take a really sustainable, fair path now, will we be able to solve the problems. As long as a few believe that they can make disproportionate use of what belongs to all living beings, we cannot do it.

The  hundsfutter we really want to achieve something good for the world. For every climatic tree we plant a real tree in our garden.

And our very personal additional contribution is that we plant a tree for every climate protection tree sold and ensure that it can grow.

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Dogs need snacks cookies treats and rewards.

vegan, vegetarian, hypoallergenic dog snacks, dog snacks, dog purée, chewing bones, treats and fairly produced, sustainable, gifts for dogs and dog lovers.

Dogs need cookies and treats Rewards. And they love them. That's very good because that's how we can raise them. The dog directly associates “getting it right” with dog snacks, dog biscuits and dog treats. Dog snacks and dog biscuits from hundsfutter are, by the way, a great trick to complete the dog's diet. Because with our snacks biscuit treats the best, selected ingredients are processed gently. This means that the valuable ingredients are retained. We agree Composition so that the biscuit, snack, treats are particularly healthy. And of course it must taste delicious.

Dogs need snacks, cookies, treats, and rewards for a rich, balanced diet.

We follow the principle of preserving the good. This is better for dogs and people than cheaply producing snacks biscuits treats. Possibly on the other side of the earth, with enormous energy expenditure for transport. In many cases, artificial additives are also added so that everything is on the label, but these snacks are not necessarily healthy for the dog. It is also very harmful to the planet, farm animals and humans.

Our recipes are tailored to the dog. Therefore, the dogs love our snacks, cookies, treats. That makes it easy to eat the daily food complete. And at the same time you can raise the dog.

Less to the vet with healthy feed.

In addition, the healthy, balanced and varied diet is the basis for a happy, healthy and long dog life with just a few visits to the vet.

We have many different recipes in our Services. Spelled flour is a very important ingredient for some. spelt flour is a Original flour and it's very allergy-proof. It is one of the oldest ancient forms of grain, from which wheat developed much later. In principle, almost all valuable substances in spelled are particularly abundant. And so it is very healthy. For people like dogs. It should be an important part of a natural, healthy diet.

Spelled is not only a valuable source of protein, but also contains a lot of minerals and trace elements. Spelled is very digestible. We use the 1050 flour from Bio Mühle Eiling. 1050 means that there are 100mg of minerals per 1050g of flour. This is a perfect basis for many of our healthy dog ​​snacks Dog biscuits Dog treats. We also use corn flour. Because this is important for animals with gluten allergy. We will also offer the first flour-free snacks in the near future. Otherwise we use vegetables, fruits and nuts for our vegan recipes. Soon tofu and legumes.