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Dog snacks hypoallergenic, allergen-free, allergy-safe, non-allergenic vs allergy.

Hypoallergenic, allergen-free, non-allergenic, non-allergenic vegan dog snacks from hundsfutter

For us it is very important that our hundsfutter Additional food, dog snacks, dog menus, chewing bones and dental care sticks for dogs are hypoallergenic, allergen-free, allergy-safe, non-allergenic and generally well tolerated. They are also supposed to feed the dogs with many valuable ingredients enrich. We only use ingredients that do not have any allergenic effect. In addition, we do not use any artificial additives, flavor enhancers, flavors, colors, preservatives or other additives. We only use pure and selected ingredients that Quality of human nutrition. There are no by-products in our hundsfutter. We state exactly which ingredients are used on the label.

Hypoallergenic, allergen-free, non-allergenic.

This enables us to assure our customer dogs that you and our Snacks will certainly not experience any unpleasant surprises. Provided, of course, that there is no allergy to the foods on the label.

The dogs should get used to each new food.

But of course the dog should first start slowly with the snacks, Menus, Dog biscuits and food get used to in order to notice possible reactions in time and to be able to react quickly. Fortunately, we have had very good feedback for our products from dogs who have received our dog snacks. Even the dogs that are very sensitive and hypoallergenic, allergen-free, allergy-safe and non-allergenic have ours Snacks, Cookies, Chewing bones, Menus and dental care sticks for dogs very well tolerated.

hundsfutter made from pure, unmixed, non-allergenic ingredients.

As mentioned above, this is due to the pure composition of ours Dog cookies, Additional dog food, dog menus, dog snacks, chewing bones for dogs and purees for dogs. Also, just because we vegan work eliminates the entire allergy risk from animal products and by-products. And that too allergenic potential the necessary additives to preserve these animal ingredients, to make them durable and to ensure a good taste and smell are eliminated. So only the clearly defined and pure ingredients remain with our products. Where we only use foods that are known to be hypoallergenic, allergen-free, allergy-safe and non-allergenic. More information about the various aspects of allergy in dogs can be found on the website: My allergy portal.

Disinformation vs. own experience.

There is a great deal of disinformation about the allergy topic, in which mood is raised against grain. Fear is stoked that the dog is descended from the wolf and should therefore only eat meat and if a dog is allergic, it will be blamed for the grain in its food. But that's not right. Because spelt flour, the flour we prefer, is very allergy-proof. Out our own experience we can say very clearly that our snacks are very well tolerated and that we only get positive feedback. To be honest, that doesn't surprise us, because we really pay attention to what we do.

“There is a lot of debate these days about whether or not dogs need grain-free food - often it's a question of faith. From a scientific point of view, a dog can use grain. The intestine of a dog is no longer structured like the intestine of the wolf. In the last millennia of domestication, dog intestines have adapted to the changed diet and can use grain. Grain is a high-quality source of energy for a dog and contains many substances that are good for the dog. "

Dr. med. vet. Anette Fach, Small Animal Practice Oberursel

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Fresh, unpackaged dog food delivered free of charge - simply order it from the vet Clinica Ferraz Arguelles or from Naturanimal Malasaña.

Regional ingredients, process directly on site and if possible. Deliver CO2 neutral to your home. Actually the best thing we can do for our environment. And actually the best we can do for our dogs.

That is why we include freshly cooked dog food in the feed subscription like everything hundsfutter: sustainable, solidary, fair, respecting animal welfare, human, regional and simply good ..

The idea of ​​delivering freshly cooked dog food free of charge in the feed subscription came from neighborhood aid. Bob has not been able to tolerate his purchased industrial feed for a long time. His owner had tried everything and even the special industrial feed he does not have the vertrag , Our hundsfutter was a great success from the start ..

Because of us Sustainability and environmental protection are very important, we think that freshly cooked dog food in the feed subscription is an ideal solution to many problems for dog owners. Especially if you live in a city. The ecological paw print is considerable. The amount of packaging waste is huge. And what is processed in most ready-made feeds is neither good for the environment, nor for the dog itself.

We do everything differently. We only use regional ingredients. In doing so, we support regional trade and also save the environment unnecessary transport routes. We work for the dogs in a city. So in the near vicinity. This means that we can even deliver by bike, if possible, unpacked. We use reusable, airtight containers in which the food can be kept in the refrigerator. We do the same for our own dogs.

If you want, we would also be happy to put together special recipes for your dog.

We can also prepare completely new recipes and tailor them to your dog's needs. As a result, they have all the options of special nutrition as with industrial feed, but do not have to accept the often serious disadvantages of this feed for dogs, nature and other animals.

The healthy, varied, diverse diet is irreplaceable for the health and well-being of the dog.

The dogs love our fresh food, it gets them very well and keeps them active and happy. It regulates digestion very well. A very complicated issue for many dogs that get industrial feed. The dogs the hundsfutter food also gets shiny fur very quickly and is simply healthier because it only gets good food in the food bowl.

Living conditions often force us to feed dogs finished products recourse.

Unfortunately, the living conditions of people and animals are unfortunately often such that you have to resort to finished products for yourself and your dog, because you simply cannot manage to properly care for yourself. That may go well for a while, but then unfortunately come very often serious health problems and you often have to go to the doctor with your dog. Unfortunately, he cannot help so easily because the problems have arisen over the years.

In addition, these finished feeds are a huge ecological burden for our world. Because we only use regional ingredients for our unpacked dog food, this form of nutrition makes a good contribution to CO2 reduction. In addition, the regional, small businesses are strengthened and, incidentally, we save the world tons of feed cans on the Dumps. AND ... the dogs love our food. And it keeps them healthy and active.

The regional feed subscription from hundsfutter: simply cooked and pureed good ingredients. Without preservatives, without flavor enhancers, without additives, without idiotic transport routes, without packaging. We deliver to your home by bicycle and use reusable metal containers for the dog food from hundsfutter.

We deliver the freshly cooked dog food from hundsfutter in metal containers. We simply exchange them when we bring supplies. The transport is done in the center by bike and otherwise as CO2 neutral as possible. Probably the most environmentally friendly way to care for your dog comfortably and healthily.

The first subscription for fresh dog food that is delivered to your home unpacked.

Bob was the first to be ours freshly cooked dog food in our feed subscription. He always loved it and got it very well.

This idea just fits 100% with what we usually do hundsfutter . make

The unwrapped Free dog food is 100% what we get at hundsfutter do. Namely simple, human solutions find that easy sustainable, solidary, fair, respecting animal welfare, human, regional, unpacked and good are.

Why in Madrid? Due to the living conditions, Madrid has been our second home for many years. And the idea with the fresh feed subscription actually came from neighborhood help. It's a pilot project here. We hope that many dogs are enthusiastic about it and would then like to offer the same regional service in other places with a local team. From real people for real people.

Where can you get such a feed subscription?

Currently only in Madrid at the veterinarian in the Clinica Veterinaria Ferráz in Argüelles. It is always best to consult the veterinarian about the feed anyway. There you can buy the feed subscription and discuss with the veterinarian what you should pay attention to. Or at Naturanimal in Malasaña, a specialty shop that also has nutritionists and veterinarians on the team who are happy to advise you.

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Dogs need snacks cookies treats and rewards.

vegan, vegetarian, hypoallergenic dog snacks, dog snacks, dog purée, chewing bones, treats and fairly produced, sustainable, gifts for dogs and dog lovers.

Dogs need cookies and treats Rewards. And they love them. That's very good because that's how we can raise them. The dog directly associates “getting it right” with dog snacks, dog biscuits and dog treats. Dog snacks and dog biscuits from hundsfutter are, by the way, a great trick to complete the dog's diet. Because with our snacks biscuit treats the best, selected ingredients are processed gently. This means that the valuable ingredients are retained. We agree Composition so that the biscuit, snack, treats are particularly healthy. And of course it must taste delicious.

Dogs need snacks, cookies, treats, and rewards for a rich, balanced diet.

We follow the principle of preserving the good. This is better for dogs and people than cheaply producing snacks biscuits treats. Possibly on the other side of the earth, with enormous energy expenditure for transport. In many cases, artificial additives are also added so that everything is on the label, but these snacks are not necessarily healthy for the dog. It is also very harmful to the planet, farm animals and humans.

Our recipes are tailored to the dog. Therefore, the dogs love our snacks, cookies, treats. That makes it easy to eat the daily food complete. And at the same time you can raise the dog.

Less to the vet with healthy feed.

In addition, the healthy, balanced and varied diet is the basis for a happy, healthy and long dog life with just a few visits to the vet.

We have many different recipes in our Services. Spelled flour is a very important ingredient for some. spelt flour is a Original flour and it's very allergy-proof. It is one of the oldest ancient forms of grain, from which wheat developed much later. In principle, almost all valuable substances in spelled are particularly abundant. And so it is very healthy. For people like dogs. It should be an important part of a natural, healthy diet.

Spelled is not only a valuable source of protein, but also contains a lot of minerals and trace elements. Spelled is very digestible. We use the 1050 flour from Bio Mühle Eiling. 1050 means that there are 100mg of minerals per 1050g of flour. This is a perfect basis for many of our healthy dog ​​snacks Dog biscuits Dog treats. We also use corn flour. Because this is important for animals with gluten allergy. We will also offer the first flour-free snacks in the near future. Otherwise we use vegetables, fruits and nuts for our vegan recipes. Soon tofu and legumes.

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What are we waiting for? These dogs are happy and healthy and have eaten about 97% less meat than most dogs in their lives.

Vegan vegetarian hypoallergenic healthy dog ​​snacks chew snacks buy bones online here! Good for your dog, good for animal suffering, good for the climate.

Our three dogs have eaten around 97% less meat than most other dogs in their lifetime. And so you live much more environmentally and animal-friendly. You eat our own food, which is vegan, vegetarian, hypoallergenic and healthy. And it suits you very, very well. You are very agile, happy and healthy. Of course we know that when a dog is healthy it is a gift anyway. But we also know that diets ranging from low-meat to meat-free are really good for humans and animals. And by the way, you can prevent an infinite number of problems of our time, such as global warming, hunger, poverty, exploitation and endless animal suffering. Ahh ... and by the way, the three are 9, 12 and 15 years old.

So let's introduce ourselves. There are 100 cows in a meadow. Our dogs ate three of them. It's terrible, but unfortunately it happened and for the most part, in the time before we adopted her. But 97 cows are allowed to live on. And that's wonderful.

If you imagine now that the three of them had only ever been given meat, then no cow would be in the pasture anymore. That is the reality and it destroys our livelihood.

We don't want to force anyone to become a vegan. But everyone can consume meat and give it to their dog in a moderate, conscious and at least animal-oriented manner. But please not to the exaggerated extent that unfortunately is still practiced. Greed is generally what most threatens our society. The alternatives that are vegan, vegetarian, hypoallergenic and healthy are now available in many shops.

Because not only do we know that, there are more and more people who support this idea. There are more and more organizations that work tirelessly to educate and encourage them to try something new and to leave the old paths.

By the way, it is also healthy to consume something reluctantly with animal products.

Why only with the wrong diet? cholesterol hochDrift and then afterwards, consuming omega 3 milk and other aids, to try to get things back on track.

And because even the veterinarians are behind this idea, you can try our hypoallergenic, vegan and vegetarian hundsfutter (these are snacks, chewing bones, purees, additional food and treats) buy from you or get free samples.

We would be very happy if you would give it a try at the Clinica Ferraz in Madrid or at the veterinary practice Frankfurter Strasse in Siegen. There are also in all stores that hundsfutter sell free samples. And there is information online and you can also order online.

So there really is no longer any reason to wait to see the world move in the right direction.

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Shop unpacked dog snacks online and have them delivered to your home.

Brand new at hundsfutter: Shop unwrapped dog snacks online.

Unpacked dog snacks shop online…… ..this really great new idea for our hundsfutter Shop comes from Rebecca and Lilly. We recently received a request from you where you can buy our things unpacked. Rebecca had seen a post in which we talked about the first shops offering our dog snacks and dog chew bones unpacked.

Since the shops are too far away, Rebecca suggested that we leave out all packaging and labels and simply snacks in a cardboard box made from recycled paper DHL GoGreen to send. A really great idea that we have in the next few days in our shop will integrate. Because until unpackaged shops exist everywhere, we can and should start doing something more for the environment.

The idea is great and should go to school. Thank you so much Rebecca and Lilly !!!! And have fun with the unpacked snacks.

We thought about it carefully, because of course the transport, even if it is organized with DHL GoGreen, is not good for the environment. But transporting a small package among many packages in a van is more environmentally friendly than if Rebecca herself goes to one of the stores that have no packaging hundsfutter offer, would have moved. Exception, she would have cycled. However, the distance was too great for that.

Our approach must always be considered with everything on how to establish a sustainable lifestyle as a value in society and make it attractive. We don't want to overwhelm anyone and we know how hard it is to say goodbye to the old habits. But that's actually difficult if what you get for it doesn't seem worthwhile. But honestly, is there anything more worth striving for than preserving and saving all the beautiful things the world has?

That's why we like this idea so much. Because the unpacked idea is brilliant. But for many it is still too complicated. But such ideas help pave the way.