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Vegan menu for dogs hundsfutter Nº 2 with fruit to soak 150 gr. in compostable cellophane bag. The best dog nutrition simply for snacking. Fruit/fennel supplementary food.


Vegan dog menu for soaking - 150 gr. make approx. 300 ml of moist food with 720 kcal of usable energy.

The hundsfutter nº 2 with fruit is our second vegan menu for dogs. Our vegan dog menu with fruit is a gently prepared supplementary food for dogs made from oat flakes, pears, apples, fennel, bananas, hazelnuts, linseed and sunflower oil. It is composed very healthy and well-balanced and the dogs taste particularly good. The selected ingredients come from reliable and, as far as possible, regional producers. The dog menu does not contain any Allergens and is hypoallergenic.

Natural food is simply better.

The  vegan dog menu for soaking very rich in natural vitamins and nutrients. We do not add any artificial additives or flavors. The nutrients can be particularly well absorbed by the dog because they remain embedded in the natural food. We prefer this natural diet and are developing more and more different dog menus so that you can feed your dog versatile, healthy, vegan and tasty without having to constantly stand in the kitchen yourself. Simply feed a different menu every day and add our healthy snacks. Then the dog gets a very balanced diet.

100% natural without flavor enhancers, additives or preservatives.

Of course ours comes hundsfutter nº 2 without preservatives, like all of them hundsfutter Products. Most vegan dog owners add a powder or tablet to their food to meet their vitamin B12 needs. This is undoubtedly the best method, because it is the best way to preserve the vitamins and the dose can be precisely adapted to your own dog. That is why we have refrained from using artificial additives for the vegan dog menu for soaking. Because basically one is natural varied nutrition simply the best there is for a living being. And it tastes best too. We don't eat the same food every day either. And we take the vitamin B12 tablets ourselves to finally make the missing meat superfluous.

Good for the dog and good for the world.

This is also important to us supplementary foodthat it is air-dried energy-free and, thanks to its low weight and volume, requires little energy during transport and is therefore particularly sustainable. And above all, it is due to the exclusive anyway vegan, sustainable ingredients very positive for our world climate. And of course they come from Ingredients from regional and fair supplierswhich is another very important positive contribution. So this is vegan Dog menu for soaking good for all living things and the world itself.


Here the ANALYSIS from the independent laboratory.


Vegan dog menu with fruit, air-dried for soaking or dry feeding - natural, healthy, balanced, delicious, sustainable.


The ingredients for our vegan supplementary feed ( This expression describes food that is not suitable as the exclusive diet for the animal. We know that alternating the different menus of hundsfutter, like vegan Dog menu with fruit and our snacks for dogs in combination with home-cooked meals offer the best nutrition. Because a natural and balanced diet is always better for the dog's health than a monotonous dose of the same complete feed. Or do you want to eat astronaut food yourself every day?) / Dog menu for dogs: 


Oatmeal is an important part of our vegan dog menu with fruit. They particularly contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, K and E, plus calcium, potassium, a lot of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium. Oat kernels contain 55 percent carbohydrates, 13% protein, 10% fiber and 7% fat. The composition of the oat fat is very favorable. The proportion of healthy unsaturated fatty acids is around 80 percent. The high-quality complex carbohydrates are only broken down slowly; this ensures long-lasting energy and keeps the blood sugar level constantly at a healthy level. This is why athletes swear by oat products to build muscle and as a source of energy before and after training. It contains eight essential amino acids; they are needed for the formation of neurotransmitters, muscles, hormones and enzymes.

Oatmeal is high in fiber. The indigestible plant substances can be soluble or insoluble in water. Both types are present in roughly equal parts in oats. The insoluble fiber promotes digestion and accelerates the intestinal transit. In order for the fiber to swell in the intestine, it needs fluid; you should therefore give your dog enough water. Dietary fiber also binds harmful substances and has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. The water-soluble oat beta-glucan is particularly interesting. It has the ability to bind bile acids in the intestine. Beta-glucans help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.


Pears are a source of many important minerals such as iron, potassium, copper, iodine, magnesium, phosphate and zinc. Due to the high content of potassium, the fruit has a dehydrating effect and relieves kidney and bladder problems. The phosphorus, potassium and calcium in these fruits are minerals that promote the flushing out of uric acid, which can relieve symptoms of gout, rheumatism and arthritis. The high fiber content is positive for digestion and supports bowel movement (peristalsis). Pears can help with irritated stomach / intestines. The tannic acids it contains gently relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the ingredients of the pear are predominantly alkaline in nature, it also helps with hyperacidity. Pears strengthen the mind and body alike. The pear contains vitamin C and B vitamins. Silicic acid, phosphoric acid and copper strengthen memory and nerves and are supposed to promote concentration. The folic acid contained in pears can support the production of happiness hormones in the body. And pears also protect the heart and circulation. The vitamin folic acid also ensures a strong heart and a stable circulation. Potassium expands the blood vessels and supports kidney function, which is why pears are positive for high blood pressure and to prevent hardening of the arteries. The antioxidants in pears activate the body's defenses.


Apple cleanses the intestines, is low in calories, contains a lot of vitamin C, pecina, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. The Apple is also a very important part of our vegan dog menu with fruit.


Fennel contains twice as much Vitamin C like oranges! 100 grams of fennel comes with a whopping 93 milligrams of the vitamin. Fennel is very low in calories. Fennel is also particularly rich in beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Fennel is also an ideal supplier of the B vitamins. In addition to minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium and phosphorus, fennel also has it antioxidants - so-called radical scavengers, which render toxins in the body harmless. The essential oils anethol and fenchol, which are also responsible for the majority of the health benefits as a medicinal plant, are also very important ingredients of fennel.


Bananas are rich in potassium and also contain magnesium and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 plays a role in protein metabolism. Potassium is essential for muscles, nerves and the heart.


Most hazelnuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Healthy omega-6 fats in hazelnut protect the heart. The nuts consist of about 12 percent protein. In terms of minerals, hazelnuts contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, among others. B group vitamins are also found in nuts. The vitamins in hazelnuts ward off free radicals. Its ingredients lower the harmful LDL cholesterol and hazelnuts also strengthen the ability to concentrate.

flex seeds

Flaxseed and therefore flaxseed oil has one of the highest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids of all known vegetable oils. Other important ingredients are mucilage, linamarine, protein, lecithin; also sterols, plastochromanol, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E as well as nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acid. Above all, the swelling effect of the flax seeds in the INS Magen-Intestine-Tract helps improve the intestinal flora, abdominal pain as well bloating minimize and flush out toxins.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil contains many vitamins from group A, B, D, E and K. Also the important essential fatty acids lionolic acid and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as natural coloring agents. These cannot be produced by the body itself and have to be supplied through food. Omega-6 fatty acids, in the right composition with omega-3 fatty acids, are important for the organism because they can fight off bacteria, germs and viruses and thus help prevent diseases. This makes our vegan dog menu with fruit a very valuable and healthy one Dog food supplements.


Additional Information

Weight 0,400 kg