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Can you save the world with dog snacks?

Dog snacks from hundsfutter save the world

Can you do that Welt with Dog snacks save? Yes! One can. Because the #fair #regional manufactured #vegans #Dog snacks from the #inclusive #Workshop from #hundsfutter show just like for example the # Bulky stores, #Wind power plants & #Cyclesthat it's already real today #Solutions gives for a #sustainable #life. We just have to step in and change our habits. Change the electricity provider, rethink the means of transport, drink soy milk in coffee and redefine what we mean by dog ​​snacks. Dogs really like to eat vegan dog snacks and they also love our vegan dog meals. And by the way, these vegan dog products are very healthy for dogs. And good for the world, people, the climate and other animals.

Fairly produced dog snacks and dog snacks from hundsfutter. We only use selected ingredients from regional and reliable producers. The recipes have been checked and proven and tried out over a long period of time and are used by Veterinarians and Nutritionists gladly recommended. These dog treats are a sign of the special thinking that is behind our entire project. Good for people, the world, dogs and other animals. No ifs and buts. Social returns instead of ice-cold profit maximization is what drives us.

Actually, the step to a sustainable life is not a renunciation, rather you gain a lot of new things and the life of the general public improves considerably.

Actually yes ... but it's a question of perspective. The values ​​of our society are very firmly established and an infinite number of interest groups do everything to ensure that nothing changes that easily. In general, the cyclist who is cycling for shopping is seen as a weirdo. Anyone who drives a small, economical car is seen as someone who has achieved “nothing”. And anyone who takes the bus is suspect anyway. The vegan is annoying and dogs are carnivores. And anyone who does not take the salary level into account when choosing a career can no longer be saved anyway. That's the way it is. This is the starting point from which the world must now change in a very short time into a society of sustainability. It's a big job.

Changes that ultimately improve life.

But if you accept that changes can also bring good things, then we notice, for example, when the inner cities let fewer cars drive through, that people breathe a sigh of relief. New, lively places are emerging. Children can play safely, can open small businesses because your customers have come back. That the neighbor suddenly has a job again and one is known by name when shopping. And maybe you even feel more relaxed yourself because the hysterical rhythm of our time is suddenly slowed down to human speed.

What is not really sustainable will no longer “work” from now on….

A lot can already be improved 100% from one moment to the next. There is no need to wait for an application to come or for an invention to be made. Rather, you have to recognize and use the possibilities that are there. And thereby ensure that these possibilities spread further and are accepted by many people. Because wind power can only prevail, for example, if we demand electricity that is 100% clean and not make lazy compromises. And so many bicycles have to travel on the Pop Up cycle paths that it is unthinkable to make these cycle paths disappear again.

Just stop eating animals….

And all the alternatives to animal foods have to be bought. Because the meat industry has played a huge part in the destruction of our planet. It is highly inefficient because food is first fed to animals and then killed and eaten. If people were to eat soy, corn, rice, etc ... then all the climate and groundwater pollution caused by factory farming would disappear. Fewer people would have to go hungry, the animals would be relieved of unspeakable suffering, the insane transports would cease and the rainforest and many other forests would be preserved. And to top it all off, people would live much healthier lives. Because the current consumption of meat makes us sick.

Society must now demand sustainability. In all areas of life. And without giving time for changes. The company's products today no realn Presenting solutions shouldn't be bought tomorrow. Because that's the only language the industry understands. Everything else is ineffective. The topic has been under discussion for a long time and the industry is systematically blocking sustainable alternatives out of profitability.

We have to react now, otherwise it will be too late.

We at hundsfutter Always develop new sustainable products to make the desire for a sustainable lifestyle with dog possible. Because the only answer to the situation in the world is 100% change of course. Every company has to make its contribution and save the world with its products, just as we want to save the world with dog snacks.

Good for the dogs, the people, the nature, the climate and the other animals.

That includes people. A society lives from its people and that is why everyone, everyone, must be involved in life. In all areas of life. All people need a real job. It is important to consider the social return in a company.

Then environmental protection and climate protection are an absolute must for every company. We have to develop our products around the environment. So that in the end you can save the world with dog snacks. At least a little.

And then ethical values ​​are necessary, because this is the only way to counteract the increasing brutality of society.

And animal welfare must be an integral part of every company. Only those who have respect for the life of animals can feel the necessary respect for the lives of other people. Especially when these people live on the other side of the world and provide for starvation wages and under unworthy circumstances for our lives in abundance.

The freezing market economy is destroying itself.

Unfortunately, the ice-cold, profit-maximizing thinking is always what yields more financial returns. A gain that always comes at the expense of the world and the general public. This fact should be conveyed in schools and the media in order to prepare the ground for a sustainable transformation of our economy into a system that enables us and the next generations a future. Because as long as we are not aware of the facts, we are also not ready to perceive the gain of a sustainable life.

The current system is burned out and at one point Self-destruction arrived.

The life cycles of employees, companies and products are now extremely short and “what happens then” is generally not taken care of. Everyone bears the damage, just not the person who caused it. And that's what our life is now starting to make impossible. The legacies that nobody wants to take care of are overwhelming us. They poison the world, heat the atmosphere and make us sick.

We try Sustainabilityt easy to do in everyday life.

With our offer, we want to help people live sustainably. You just have to browse through our online shop or visit the various specialist shops hundsfutter to offer. We have now dried out Dog menus for soaking (Ideal as travel provisions, for the Huta or if you don't want to cook yourself, or every day if you just don't want to worry but always want to have your dog well looked after without producing rubbish.). About nutritious purees, varied snacks, soft dog snacks and soft dog biscuits, hypoallergenic products, gluten-free products, vegan, vegetarian products, dental care sticks, dog chew bones in all sizes and many gift ideas for dog lovers.

Food for dogs to soak.

Pour water around dog food hundsfutter Soak # 1.

Here is an example of how a Dog menu from hundsfutter is soaked. The shorter the chunks lie in the water, the more bite they retain. If the dog particularly likes porridge, just wait a little longer. It is also extremely easy to determine the correct amount of feed because you can easily weigh the dry chunks.

We also offer soft snacks that are hypoallergenic and contain no artificial additives, plasticizers, preservatives, colorings or flavorings. Then there are also particularly nutritious purees, tooth cleaning sticks, playful chewing bones, varied snacks and unique gifts for dog lovers. Everything that leaves our workshop is a step in the right direction. The products themselves are very good, honest and sustainable. Our dog snacks are so sustainable that you can actually save the world with dog snacks. At least a little, and how they're done is fair regional, responsible. We just do it the way we ourselves expect from the products we buy.

Soft, delicious dog biscuits preserved in a vacuum. These healthy, hypoallergenic dog snacks are made without preservatives.

Recyclable jars preserve the soft snacks from under vacuum hundsfutter. This works without any artificial additives, preservatives or other unnatural treatments. Like everything at hundsfutter.

Recyclable jars preserve the soft snacks from under vacuum hundsfutter. This works without any artificial additives, preservatives or other unnatural treatments. Like everything at hundsfutter.

Like cooked it yourself, but even better ...

If you don't always have time to prepare healthy dog ​​food yourself, you can order our dog meals. They are made from the best ingredients, gently made and air-dried. This is good for the ingredients, energy-saving in production, space-saving, light and small in transport, free of waste, very practical and the hundsfutter Dog menus are also super tasty.

Sustainability is when nothing is left.

Dog snacks with sprouted legumes

The new vegan pear snacks for dogs with sprouted chickpeas are sold in compostable cellophane bags. Soon we will also be offering larger quantities in recycled cardboard boxes, thus expanding our range of “unpackaged” snacks for dogs.

When seeds germinate, many of the nutrients are potentiated and are much easier for the body to absorb. That's why we have hundsfutter The first snacks for dogs and dog menus with sprouted germs have been on offer for some time. A simple and sustainable solution.

Our Dog snacks are available unpacked by the kilo ...

Vegan snack box apple / nut carrot / spelled in a recycling box

As unpacked as possible. At hundsfutter We leave everything out if possible, so that in the end only a box with the biscuits for dogs remains. We fill the boxes made of recycled cardboard or grass from BioBiene with as many snacks as can be ordered. One kilo, 2 kilos, 2,5 kilos, 4,7 kilos ... no matter how much. Because it's just better.

Find simple and very good solutions!

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

Sprouting food releases a particularly large number of valuable nutrients. However, you also have to have the leisure to do this work. If that is too much for you, because in addition to the effort of germination there is also cooking, you can from now on hundsfutter Buy products that are prepared with these particularly valuable foods. These are real dog superfoods.

Supergreens in hundsfutter. The next thing we'll do. Because it improves the value of natural foods once again with the means of nature, this is a step in the right direction for us. There are many solutions, you just have to use them.

Eating meat is often a matter of habit.

vegetarian lioness "Little Tyke" and sustainable dog chews are vegan and from hundsfutter

The Diet depends very much on socialization from. If you grow up with schnitzel, the path to becoming a vegan is sometimes longer. But everything is possible. And possible. Just like there was a lioness who didn't want to eat meat. Our products are intended to invite even die-hard meat eaters to try that it is not so bad to eat meatless. We always have new and good ideas on how we can reconcile a good & healthy life with sustainability, justice and joie de vivre.

Regional selected ingredients for the healthy delicious sustainable products from hundsfutter

What is very important to us is what ingredients we use. They need to be as regional as possible and from reliable producers. We'd love to do it ourselves, but we're not there yet. But soon 🙂

A vegan lifestyle is climate protection - from the very first moment.

Social skills and common sense as the way to a sustainable future

Climate protection is very important to us. Everything we do has to be 100% climate-friendly. No matter whether it's a dog menu, dog snack or gifts for dog lovers. Because if we upset the climate further, we will lose our livelihood and then it would be pointless to get angry about any ideological, religious or territorial conflicts.

Tested on our own dogs. We love our dogs more than anything and only because we are absolutely convinced of it hundsfutter, you always get it to eat.

We love our dogs more than anything and only because we are absolutely convinced of it hundsfutter, you always get it to eat.

So healthy you can see it.

Vegan dog menu 3kg unwrapped - natural, healthy, sustainable

The secret of hundsfutter can be seen with the naked eye. It is really made from real, pure and selected foods. Without blending in cheap tricks or human food waste. And you can see that and the dog tastes it.

We don't throw anything away….

Broken biscuits that have broken during production, drying or in any other way will be donated to Animal Aid. Because food is one of the highest values ​​that we should respect.

Broken biscuits that have broken during production, drying or in any other way will be given to Animal Aid. Because food is one of the highest values ​​that we should respect. Just like when preparing the snacks, whatever is left over or is not good enough for the batter is put on the compost. and there is always someone who is happy.

Please copy ...

The goal is less emissions, less animal suffering, less exploitation of people and nature, less nonsensical transport routes, more participation of all people in all areas of life, less waste, less energy consumption, improvement of the regional infrastructure,…. In one sentence, we want to help us find out together from the impassein which human society is currently located. And we can only do that if as many, or preferably all, companies as possible, set themselves ambitious goals immediately on how and with what they can improve their ecological and social returns. And if all consumers immediately put themselves behind the companies that already take recycling, sustainability, human welfare, animal welfare and climate protection seriously.

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Sustainable ideas without a lobby need people who consume consciously.

There are many sustainable ideas without a lobby that is just here today. For immediate implementation without developing applications, without forming a planning committee and without the opportunity to enrich yourself with it. Unfortunately, therefore, a lot of good ideas are left behind. They are lost in the flood of messages, offers, information and disinformation, behind which there are often investors who just want to make a profit. Sustainability, human welfare, animal welfare, nature and the future for the next generation have no value for them.

Effective, simple and also cheap.

Some time ago in England people started giving chickens to the residents in some old people's homes. The people were astonished at first and maybe not immediately enthusiastic, but the experiment quickly became a great success. The residents of the old people's homes are happy because they can feel alive again with the new task. The animals need them. It is easy to imagine the positive effect this has on people's health and general wellbeing. Here is the full article from The Guardian: Hen-keeping - a cracking new therapy for older people.

There are many good solutions without a lobby and that is why we are very grateful that so many people have already ordered from us or have bought or ordered from our partners. Because they made a conscious decision to buy our products. Because they realized that we are serious about what we say and do. And because you just notice it in our products. Because without the support of these people we would not be able to exist.
The hen project, which is supporting some 700 residents in more than 20 care homes in north-east England, which launched in London last week. Photographer: David Charlton / Equal Arts

By the way, it has another very positive side effect. Because everyone who hears about it and maybe visits the people there experiences the natural, harmonious coexistence. And this sensitizes those who are aware that things that are considered normal in our society should really be normal.

The loneliness of the people in the old people's home is a very big problem and this is a perspective that nobody wants for themselves or for someone else. Families are becoming more and more involved in mastering their own lives and simply have no more time, money for personnel and activities is becoming increasingly scarce, the model that older people come together in residential projects and thus retain a natural way of life often fails due to the well-established ideas society, how everything has to be. Then for many there remains only the television and just dawn in front of it. Or you are cared for by a care robot, of which the first models can try real people. It's all very, very bad.

When it comes to real values, it is quite difficult to find a lobby.

The English Chicken Project is a great example of how much can be achieved with very little. And can really achieve that. This is not about doing business, but the goal is the well-being of people, animals and society. It's about real values ​​and ideals. The fact that you can't make a business out of it is probably the reason why there are no more of these good examples.

With our manufacture, we don't come from the side of the business idea, but rather real values. We want to work fairly and sustainably. We want to be transparent and honest. And we want to give the animals something good. We just want to show that there is another way. We want to show that something so loving has a place in our world. The worst sentence that we often hear is: “That's just the way it is.” We replace “is” with “was” and contribute hundsfutter our contribution to the fact that not everything goes on as before.

It sustained many good ideas without a lobby and that is precisely why we are very grateful that so many people have already ordered from us or have bought or ordered from our partners. Because they made a conscious decision to buy our products. Because they realized that we are serious about what we say and do. And because you just notice it in our products. Because without the support of these people we would not be able to exist.

We are aware that the actions of every individual have a major impact on what happens in the world. And this is our chance.

We have it in our hands. If we do our shopping in such a way that we look at the goods in retail, get advice and that Products then ordering online from the cheapest provider using a price comparison portal, we need not be surprised that one shop after another disappears. But businesses that have to close are only a first visible impact. What happens in secret, which we are not informed about, has a bad impact on our lives. Because the super prices can only be realized through exploitation. From small and medium-sized companies, animals, nature and other countries and also people themselves.

People are increasingly being replaced by technology and the loss of work means a lot more than just having no more money for a person. Due to the unchecked rage of digitization, the changes are too fast for people. And what is done with the animals and how absolutely cynical and unscrupulous the truth is covered up is simply unspeakable. Unfortunately, many sustainable ideas without a lobby that could improve the situation are often ignored and deliberately ignored.

Our consumer behavior guides the offer. If we buy soy milk, there will be more and more soy milk. If we have more Meat alternatives buying animal welfare will improve.

Sustainable ideas without a lobby need conscious consumers who stand behind them to be able to assert themselves. The cheap prices create insane pressure on everyone. First, many good products and initiatives fall by the wayside and then disappear the real values such as humanity, personality, individuality, ethics, solidarity, community, understanding, compassion, responsibility and love. Our lives are getting poorer and we have to consume more and more to compensate for the emptiness within us. A vicious circle because we are moving away from real happiness more and more.

In the end, we are all suffering. The Exploitation of people, nature and animals will confront us in the future with increasingly worse problems that we will soon no longer be able to overcome and then the good life will suddenly end for everyone. Not to mention us and our children's lives.

Real solutions - no sham solutions.

We can't save the world with dog biscuits and dog snacks. But we can at hundsfutter approach everything fairly and sustainably and thus contribute our small part to it. Our hundsfutter Project, like many other sustainable ideas without a lobby, is carried by the consumers who find their values ​​with us

More and more people are realizing that society is on a very wrong path. A society that has “cheap” or “mainly fun” as its main values ​​can no longer function. Of course, we need very sensitive political leadership and laws that guide everything. But politics also needs people who stand behind it and signal that they are going along the way. Even if it may not always be “cheap”, “fun” and “convenient”. People with values, ideals and ethics. Because if we just carry on now as if everything were okay, then it will be too late. And who would like to take their own children’s future seriously?