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Climate collapse, CO2 tax and one false signal after another.

The time window to turn around is just closing.

In the year In 2016, Der Spiegel wrote about the fact that CO2 emissions rises faster than ever before. It paints a gloomy picture of the future ... now it is almost 2021 and we all know by now that the time will soon be missed to maintain our own livelihood. We destroy ourselves and rob the next generation of their lives. We urgently need to start consuming less instead of going along with the growth craze.

And that's not a summary of the plot of a new online game that can be played on the 5G Internet with up to 500 players around the globe. No it's the reality. It's about the air we breathe, the water we drink and the land that produces our food.

According to estimates by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), those who do without meat save 0,98 tonnes of CO2 equivalents per year. The unit takes into account the effect of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Vegans even save two tons of greenhouse gases, as an investigation on behalf of SPIEGEL revealed. "

Der Spiegel

"That is why we participate hundsfutter simply veganne Chew bones for dogs. "

It really is time to wake up now!

If we carry on as before, we will soon have to give up everything and have nothing at all. There is no more time for Climate hypocrisy.

The eternal ice melts gone, everyone knows, but hardly anyone takes the threat first Article reported from the mirror.

If we pay attention now and develop a sense of responsibility together for life itself, other people and our children, then we would quickly notice that what on the surface feels like doing without also brings a lot of new wealth. Ideal wealth. All the things that money can't buy. As much as it is led to believe in the media. Excessive growth and reckless consumption do not really make you happy and you become more and more dependent and that real values are becoming more and more inaccessible. Now there is still time to spend less instead of succumbing to the growth craze.

A virus shows us what is possible.

Actually, the Corona Virus shows us a lot of what we have not or could not appreciate in normal life. Personally, the lockdown gave me so much time with my daughter that I was never allowed to have before. The car-free streets were very pleasant and a bird nestled on the roof of the house opposite and we had an atmosphere in the middle of the city center like in the forest. Real values ​​that will only become possible when humanity is massive slowed down becomes. For me, using less also means gaining a lot. It wasn't really a renunciation, I won so much.

World congestion day was 3 weeks later than expected in the corona year.

The 3-week delay of this year also shows us very impressively OVERSHOOT DAYSwhat human activity does. This year the virus forced people to live differently than normal. They simply had to consume less instead of continuing with the growth mania.

The OVERSHOOT DAY. is the day on which mankind has used up the resources that the earth can regenerate each year. From that moment on, humanity lives on credit. Instead of starting to consume less that day, the world continues with its growth mania.

Well, it's mid-August, long until the year is over. That means, as of today, the refrigerator will be empty. But we do not hunger or thirst, we exploit the world unduly. We don't live sustainably. Today we consume what future generations would need to live.

“And our children have to be really angry because they Technology that minimizes CO2 emissions is available here and today. In this post explains what a heat pump is and how to install it. And to top it off, many citizens are currently spending their savings to have their heating switched to gas. A really resounding success of the disinformation campaigns of the fossil lobby systems. Bravo."

“Energy policy is also a slap in the face of people who care about their children's future. In this article, Der Spiegel explains how the government is actually helping exactly two companies, disregarding the agreed climate targets, to continue to earn a lot of money. The general public pays for the environmental damage. The use of wind energy, which is on the verge of being able to significantly serve the energy hunger of our country, is being thwarted. An act that tramples our lives today and the future of the next generations. But best yourself here read up. "

How can we even answer for such a thing?

It is so monstrous what human society can afford. The words of Greta Thunberg when she first appeared will be with us forever.

Yes, we cheat the following generations for their lives. And also your own children. Instead of starting to consume less today, we are driven by the growth mania.

We do not want to accept that times change and that there is happiness without self-destructive growth. With the slowing down of activity by Corona, new opportunities have arisen and there was room for things for which otherwise simply none Time was.

Living sustainably means gaining a lot of new things and not just doing without some things.

A sustainable life may sound like giving up at first, but in reality you also gain infinitely much. It is a different life, but enriched with many real values, which unfortunately almost all of us have been lost.

We believe right now that the only happy life is how we live today. And we are also specifically manipulated into believing it that way and not starting to think about it. But just consuming less solves the problems we cause with growth mania.

Many solutions exist to promote climate protection immediately.

“Here is a comparison from the Vegunary Blog of the different types of milk in comparison with cow's milk. All herbal alternatives are much more climate-friendly and need less water and less land than cow's milk. So ... what is waiting for. And she's healthier too. "

We need to protect the foundations of our lives from ourselves.

At the moment we are losing important time in order to protect the foundations of our lives from ourselves in good time.

Social responsibility must become a matter of course for every individual.

But how should people develop a sense of responsibility if the lead dancers themselves are not consistent. How is a young person supposed to understand that environmental sins are NOT a peculiar crime when many of the greatest environmental destroyers in society are walking around with impunity? How can you convey to people that you can also travel by bus and train when the private jet or helicopter are the preferred means of transport at the climate summit and, above all, when the topic is dealt with seriously at the meeting, as if about that Design of the new 10 euro note would be debated.

One false signal after another.

How can one keep the courage that something can still be saved in our society when the Hambacher Forst now is to be sacrificed for the coal that lies beneath him. This is particularly painful because after the forest destruction stopped in 2018 big protest, the hope grew that RWE and politics would have understood something. But for these people it's all about the money and they defend themselves against any initiative that shows that consuming less instead of falling into growth mania is the order of the day.

When a * CO2 tonne price of 10 euros is passed, which was only later raised to a price of 25 euros per tonne of CO2 at the massive insistence of the Greens in the Bundestag, which is still far too little, how can one hope for a sense of responsibility? .

There are solutions today to many of mankind's major problems ... but they are not being used.

In a world in which there are many solutions to important problems, but through intensive lobbying  being blocked, one can actually despair. So that in the end the growth mania often wins over any sensible initiative to consume less.

In the current situation, it is very dangerous to use Stiftung Warentest to declare cheap meat good. G

"Cheap meat gets good grades when testing the Stiftung Warentest. It is a completely wrong signal to even run such a test. It really is about other more serious things than the good taste of Cheap meat. "

“A recycling system only makes sense if it is financially attractive to process the recycled plastic. Unfortunately, crude oil is still tax exempt for the production of new plastic. As a result, almost all manufacturers use newly manufactured plastic. It's cheaper than the recycled one. The recycled plastic becomes a big problem, because the countries to which we send it do not know what to do with it and it ends up in nature, the sea or is burned. A clear consumer deception and a completely wrong signal that has cost the world a lot. "

In a world in which most thoughts are focused on the fact that you are in a good position as a party and you can't really blame anyone about the distribution of offices for only being concerned with yourself and worrying that something might fall away from which is natural for one. And, of course, that things continue to “look up”. And by all means we will manipulatedthat we go around in circles and that no critical thoughts arise.

"In the Election campaign the parties make the mood with an ideal world that exists for fewer and fewer people (but nobody says that). This is not at all a contribution to the fact that everyone understands how important their contribution is. Rather, it is the invitation to live irresponsibly and leave the complicated things to the party. This goes with the hackneyed sentence, whoever leaves himself is abandoned so well that he has to stand here. "

But we can't just stand by and watch!

Absolutely no way. Because the future depends on us. As long as a system pays the best returns for projects that destroy life, basically nothing will change. We have to set the right signals ourselves. We have to force the right decisions.

If, for example, all drivers simply keep driving their old cars until the industry comes up with a really sustainable concept ... I think the development would accelerate enormously. If we leave the animal welfare hypocrisy of the food industry on the shelf, then suddenly the changes for more animal welfare would suddenly take off.

vegan lifestyle for health and animal welfare

"We prefer to look the other way instead of doing our part to ensure that livestock are kept at least a little better."

And when we start regional and fair shopping many unscrupulous exploiters would suddenly do bad business and the unpackaged shop culture that had just emerged would be able to continue to establish itself. But if we just look the other way and continue to accept what is presented to us without criticism, nothing will change. We then continue to be “fed stupidly” and it costs our children the future.

With everything we do, we could ask ourselves whether that is okay or whether it is up to us to choose a sustainable alternative. And we can simply use less.

When you start with it, you suddenly realize how many options you have, with the madness that is happening and being propagated, of simply not participating. As long as we as consumers are free in our purchasing decisions, we have a very powerful instrument in hand. Please let's make something of it together.

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Why we do one and the other too.

We make vegan and also vegetarian products because we know that the way to vegan life is mostly via this detour.

And we know: vegan lifestyle is climate protection. Because at some point it was so far that we ourselves "woke up" and became aware of what we are doing with our carefree consumption. It always had to be practical and fast and you looked the other way, how and where things came from. And the garbage didn't matter either, there was the green dot and they take care of it. But since that moment we have gradually changed our diet and consumption. It didn't go from one day to the next. But the goal was clear and the way went and goes via detours and intermediate stops. Meat fell away immediately. From one day to another. Then fish. Dairy products and eggs took a little longer. Probably also because the connection with animal welfare is not as obvious as when eating dead carcasses. In addition, the organic attitude is popular because you don't want it to be the way it is. Unfortunately, organic farming is only a little different from normal farming. So no Heidi meadow idyll. And the calves are also separated from the mother and killed. That's why we've been working on vegan cheese recipes for some time. Because the answer to the climate crisis lies largely in the diet, because a vegan lifestyle is climate protection.

We want to make vegan cheese substitutes so good soon that we can become a 100% vegan brand for dog snacks, dog biscuits, dog treats, dog nutrition.

To make the way with as many as possible Dog friends To be able to go together, that is to create the switch to veganism together, we have currently decided to offer vegetarian products. We do not like that, but if we are too radical, many people still reject us. And so we lose the chance that someone who would never buy vegan products for dogs will try at least something vegetarian. If he is really enthusiastic about it, he would rather try something vegan from our range. And most of the time, the dogs find it so good that we can win a new, vegan customer. In the end, this helps the animals and the world more than if we overwhelm the willingness to change and thereby lose. Because only together with many can vegan lifestyle provide climate protection.

And because the transformation of our society into a sustainable, life-friendly society is very complex, the problem has to be tackled from different angles. This is the only way we can permanently ensure that the animals can soon live better, that the environment can breathe a sigh of relief, that the industry understands that one has to produce sustainably and that People understand that they are responsible for their consumption behavior. Because only together can we manage to preserve our world for many generations to come.

It is important what you do and how you do it. That is why we are particularly concerned with the "where from" and "where to" and with the "how" and "why" and the "what then" in various areas of life. Here some examples:

Develop new food and snacks from proven and natural ingredients.

we are growing our own sprouts for our new vegan dog snacks and dog menus

We are constantly developing new recipes to enable an ever more varied diet. What is completely new for us is that we ourselves produce sprouts, which we process in our snacks and dog menus and in dog food. This gives the dogs particularly valuable new ingredients in the bowl.

A lot could just be different.

Nonviolent dog snacks with healthy vegan ingredients from hundsfutter

Vegan lifestyle is climate protection. That's why we're helping hundsfutter non-violent, vegan dog snacks, dog biscuits, dog rewards and dog chewing bones that taste and are healthy. In addition, our products are particularly lovingly and imaginatively executed. And so they are also ideal gifts from dog lover to dog lover.

Within the Packaging applies very clearly, a little less is a lot more.

Vegan dog menu 3kg unwrapped - natural, healthy, sustainable

We are concerned about the garbage mountain. All of our products are packaged so that there is no waste. Either the snacks, cookies for dogs, treats in glasses that can be recycled, or in bags that are compostable and we prefer to send them unwrapped. That means, completely without direct outer packaging, simply in a box, loose and in kilos.

Regional is very important for the CO2 balance.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

We cook fresh dog food that we deliver as CO2 neutral as possible directly to our customers' homes. We can also take special requests into account. In any case, we use regional ingredients from organic agriculture. If you want to find out more, simply email: info

Similar to our concession on vegetarian snacks, we hope to at least improve something for the animals with this initiative. Admittedly, this happens with a laughing and a crying eye.

Respect for life is the way to a sustainable society.

lovingly made dog snacks and chewing bones by hundsfutter are hypoallergenic and vegan.

We want to pass on the fun we have at work with each of our products. Because the loving handling of things, animals and people is the key to a sustainable attitude to life. And we can only preserve our world with respect for other people, animals and nature.

You can maintain diversity and even protect the climate.

Purchase of materials in the shop around the corner to strengthen regional trade

For many of our dog gifts we need additional materials such as fabrics, yarn, rivets, rope, ribbons, etc. We basically buy these materials in the shop around the corner to support regional trade. Just as real people work for us and give them all their personality, we would like other companies to rely on people and not outsource everything and manage it by application. In addition, it is active climate protection to cycle to the shop by bike. That just fits the vegan lifestyle. 😉

We can only be really good if the people we work with are very good.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

Our products can only be as good as the ingredients we use. That is why we rely on our suppliers for partners who work 100% fairly and ecologically. Here in the picture Pest control at the Eiling organic mill in Warstein with warmth. It doesn't get more ecological and less polluting. That is why we obtain our flour from the organic mill Eiling.

CO2 is arguably one of the worst enemies in the world.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

The energy balance is very important in everything we do. We basically work regionally. That means with ingredients from the environment and everything is manufactured in our workshop. No outsourced production and no unnecessary transport routes. The dry snacks are air-dried without energy, which is also very gentle on the ingredients. And we ship via DHL GoGreen carbon neutral. Unfortunately, vegan lifestyle alone is not enough to save the world. For climate protection, we have to be very disciplined in all areas of our lives.

Vacuum instead of harmful preservatives and additives.

We preserve in a vacuum. Because many dogs particularly like soft snacks, but we generally do not use any additives or preservatives, we preserve these snacks in vacuum jars. The glasses ensure that the snacks stay tasty, soft and fresh for years. We are happy to take the glasses back for a deposit.

Vegan lifestyle is climate protection and good for everyone.

Good for some animals and good for the other animals. The vegan lifestyle helps “farm animals” because we respect them and let them live. And he helps our dogs. Because a lot of diseases and allergies are the result of a wrong diet that makes you sick. In principle, we do not use any additives, colorings or flavor enhancers to make the feed look attractive and taste good. And our ingredients are pure and clearly defined and there are no traces of anything in them that is not on the label. In addition, we always develop our recipes in such a way that we leave out allergenic ingredients. So is hundsfutter good for the dog, the other animals and also vegan lifestyle is climate protection.

The most important thing is that we all want to change something for the good.

You should never say from the start that something is the way it always was and cannot be change. The wonderful and true story of the vegetarian lioness 'Little Tyke' shows, what is possible if you want and if you give life a chance and don't squeeze it into what you think is right.

7 different dog menus from hundsfutter for a healthy, natural and varied diet of the dog.

vegan zero waste dog food for soaking

Because we want the dogs to live healthily and well, we make various dog menus. Each for a day. Instead of a full food, we have many different dog menus. The different foods complement each other if a different menu is fed every day. This is varied for the dog and ensures a very good, rich diet. In addition, the menus vegan and air dried. As a result, they are very energy-saving in their manufacture, in terms of ingredients, and in transport and storage. They are simply soaked for feeding. Air drying is also a very gentle and valuable method.

What else has to happen before people finally wake up?

Climate protection is the most important thing we have to do at the moment.

Our vegan, regional focus is also a response to the state of the world and the situation of life on earth. There are so many signs and warnings the world is giving us that you just can't look away. We just have to take the step that everyone sees that he can contribute too. That is also one of our most important concerns. In the Siberian tundra only 300 km from the North Pole, the ground is usually always frozen solid. The diesel tanks of a thermal power plant stood on pillars, on this frozen ground. Due to climate change, the ice has given way and one of the pillars has sunk, which has led to a leak in the tank and this oil disaster caused. We read the message in the mirror.

What you mean should be shared with others.

Like conscious consumer behavior, vegan lifestyle is a contribution that we can all make here and now for a better future on planet Earth.

We know from ourselves that it is best to share the things that you find important with other people. Surprise the other with something special that is tailored to them. That is why we make gift boxes. Some are already ready to order, but we are also very happy if someone has a very special idea and we can then implement it. Please just email or call. We can actually do everything.

At some point it will be the last warning and then there is nothing more you can do. We still have a small chance of stopping the climate collapse.

Global warming has catastrophic consequences for humanity. Unfortunately, there are already so many harbingers of a climate clap that it is completely incomprehensible that people are still going on as before.

We are very concerned with climate change and news like the one at the end of this text motivates us to find more and more people who have a similar desire to contribute something positive. That is why we regularly post articles and information that caught our eye. For example this message: “The eternal ice in the mountains between Italy and Switzerland is beginning to melt, so this Mountain hut is already half in Swiss territory.“Facts that really show how serious the situation is and that there is simply no time to wait. You now have to actively change your lifestyle in order to gain time for the 100% transformation into a sustainable society.

When all people are involved in all areas of life, you will notice how much you learn from each other. And how much we had stood in the way before.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

It is also important to us how we work and with whom. We are for a fair and just society. All people have the same right to participate in all areas of life. In our inclusive workshop, we all work at eye level. Everyone is involved in the process and everything we do is carefully and lovingly done by hand. This makes our products really special. And this shows once again our desire to address those who have hope that good things can happen. Because that's a lot, because it's the prerequisite for everything.

Everything we do is aimed at those who help with hope, commitment and discipline that together we can create the change to a sustainable society.

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Fresh, unpackaged dog food delivered free of charge - simply order it from the vet Clinica Ferraz Arguelles or from Naturanimal Malasaña.

Regional ingredients, process directly on site and if possible. Deliver CO2 neutral to your home. Actually the best thing we can do for our environment. And actually the best we can do for our dogs.

That is why we include freshly cooked dog food in the feed subscription like everything hundsfutter: sustainable, solidary, fair, respecting animal welfare, human, regional and simply good ..

The idea of ​​delivering freshly cooked dog food free of charge in the feed subscription came from neighborhood aid. Bob has not been able to tolerate his purchased industrial feed for a long time. His owner had tried everything and even the special industrial feed he does not have the vertrag , Our hundsfutter was a great success from the start ..

Because of us Sustainability and environmental protection are very important, we think that freshly cooked dog food in the feed subscription is an ideal solution to many problems for dog owners. Especially if you live in a city. The ecological paw print is considerable. The amount of packaging waste is huge. And what is processed in most ready-made feeds is neither good for the environment, nor for the dog itself.

We do everything differently. We only use regional ingredients. In doing so, we support regional trade and also save the environment unnecessary transport routes. We work for the dogs in a city. So in the near vicinity. This means that we can even deliver by bike, if possible, unpacked. We use reusable, airtight containers in which the food can be kept in the refrigerator. We do the same for our own dogs.

If you want, we would also be happy to put together special recipes for your dog.

We can also prepare completely new recipes and tailor them to your dog's needs. As a result, they have all the options of special nutrition as with industrial feed, but do not have to accept the often serious disadvantages of this feed for dogs, nature and other animals.

The healthy, varied, diverse diet is irreplaceable for the health and well-being of the dog.

The dogs love our fresh food, it gets them very well and keeps them active and happy. It regulates digestion very well. A very complicated issue for many dogs that get industrial feed. The dogs the hundsfutter food also gets shiny fur very quickly and is simply healthier because it only gets good food in the food bowl.

Living conditions often force us to feed dogs finished products recourse.

Unfortunately, the living conditions of people and animals are unfortunately often such that you have to resort to finished products for yourself and your dog, because you simply cannot manage to properly care for yourself. That may go well for a while, but then unfortunately come very often serious health problems and you often have to go to the doctor with your dog. Unfortunately, he cannot help so easily because the problems have arisen over the years.

In addition, these finished feeds are a huge ecological burden for our world. Because we only use regional ingredients for our unpacked dog food, this form of nutrition makes a good contribution to CO2 reduction. In addition, the regional, small businesses are strengthened and, incidentally, we save the world tons of feed cans on the Dumps. AND ... the dogs love our food. And it keeps them healthy and active.

The regional feed subscription from hundsfutter: simply cooked and pureed good ingredients. Without preservatives, without flavor enhancers, without additives, without idiotic transport routes, without packaging. We deliver to your home by bicycle and use reusable metal containers for the dog food from hundsfutter.

We deliver the freshly cooked dog food from hundsfutter in metal containers. We simply exchange them when we bring supplies. The transport is done in the center by bike and otherwise as CO2 neutral as possible. Probably the most environmentally friendly way to care for your dog comfortably and healthily.

The first subscription for fresh dog food that is delivered to your home unpacked.

Bob was the first to be ours freshly cooked dog food in our feed subscription. He always loved it and got it very well.

This idea just fits 100% with what we usually do hundsfutter . make

The unwrapped Free dog food is 100% what we get at hundsfutter do. Namely simple, human solutions find that easy sustainable, solidary, fair, respecting animal welfare, human, regional, unpacked and good are.

Why in Madrid? Due to the living conditions, Madrid has been our second home for many years. And the idea with the fresh feed subscription actually came from neighborhood help. It's a pilot project here. We hope that many dogs are enthusiastic about it and would then like to offer the same regional service in other places with a local team. From real people for real people.

Where can you get such a feed subscription?

Currently only in Madrid at the veterinarian in the Clinica Veterinaria Ferráz in Argüelles. It is always best to consult the veterinarian about the feed anyway. There you can buy the feed subscription and discuss with the veterinarian what you should pay attention to. Or at Naturanimal in Malasaña, a specialty shop that also has nutritionists and veterinarians on the team who are happy to advise you.