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People don't want to know what is really important.

WORLDOVERSHOOTDAY # 2021 Again we managed to use up the #resources for a year #life earlier than in the # previous year.

We have this important graphic in the newsletter of Wegatech, a company for sustainable heating concepts for private households found. Wegatech is just such a company that, instead of investing in a new, outdated burner for heating your home, you can install modern heating technology that protects the environment and all of us. It is impressive how this day was postponed in the first Corona year. This means that just shutting down the activity can change so much. And we actually still lived much better than most people in the world, who, by the way, are not responsible for this permanent life on credit.

People don't want to know what is really important.

Why don't we do anything with the knowledge that we have at our disposal? I recently tweeted from Ulrich Schulz seen the taz and then found the whole comment in the taz. This concerns me with the madness that is being held in politics in Germany. It is not new for the parties to compete and fight each other by all means. And that most of them are really only about power and ego and not about content. But what is currently being done with the Greens, and especially Annalena Baerbock, is terrible. We live in one like that threatening situation. We now really have all the information with which we can imagine what can happen. And if we don't turn the corner NOW and row in a different direction, then it looks bad for humanity.

The next government in Germany will send an immense signal to all of Europe and the world. We just can't miss the last chance, a hopeful, positive vision apply to our society. But the problem is: what is really important, people don't want to know.

Here in the picture the advertising campaign of an industry association to influence the election results in their own favor. The fossil lobbies actually dare to endanger the future of mankind by all means against better knowledge than it has already done. Of course the ad is ridiculous, but in one Company, who manages to debate a résumé for weeks, even though much more important topics are pending, it is a very serious interference in our lives. Because the weeks of discussions about unimportant things cost us precious time and voices that we urgently need for our future.

It is so clear what is happening right now….

You really don't have to study history or be a scientist to imagine how our future and that of the next generations can develop.

Everything we do we have to weigh carefully, and we have to deal with a great deal Self-discipline, everyone in particular, contribute to the change from our current system, which is based on the destruction of livelihoods and life in order to enable above-average growth and prosperity for a few people, to a just, sustainable model. We need a positive vision, a vision for a different way of living together. We need a society that functions sustainably. And in which all of the strength of everyone is focused on preserving and respecting life.

We have been "stupidly fed" for far too long. And we have already seen so many excesses where it leads when power is based on the division of society and thus on the destruction of part of life. All the examples in history prove that it leads to the downfall of the system.

People usually want to have everything immediately and a lot ...

Unfortunately, the incentives that such systems have in power are always enticing to people. And because people do not tend to think long-term, but prefer to have everything immediately, the world is as it is. Because what really wichtig is just not interested in people.

The greed of people to always want more is also a very useful quality from the point of view of the powerful. Because they satisfy this greed, even if only in appearance. The people who support them should not lack for anything. At least people should feel that it is so and that they are important to those in power. That is why the system needs factory farming, throwaway consumption and the leisure society. The very things that give people what they believe they have to believe and that endanger the future on this planet at the same time.

So that's the situation that has actually always been that way. And there were always people in the opposition. And they express themselves and they are silenced by the system, if somehow possible. The procedure is based on the tradition of burning witches. Today by different means, but just as it was then, it is about no longer being confronted with the annoying other opinion.

These "new awake people" are extremely difficult for the system to handle.

But what is different now than it used to be is that a lot of people from different areas of society have woken up. And they started to represent their position. You question things and there are more and more people with their own values. People who cannot be bought. Values ​​and goods or privileges with which the system wants to “feed us people stupidly” mean nothing more to these “new awake people” than fairness, justice, solidarity, climate justice, generational justice, social return, .... These "new awake people" are extremely difficult for the system to handle. Because they cannot simply be “pacified” with consumption or privileges.

The system is just noticing its limits ...

And the system notices it. It's getting tight right now and the power can slip away. That is why the methods are becoming increasingly poor. How desperate it is to respond to the Greens' plans to replace domestic German air traffic with trains, with the loss of the To bring joy of life for the citizens into context. Or the ideas for a fair traffic turnaround and climate policy, in which gasoline prices are raised, but the profit is redistributed in a socially and climate-friendly manner, as climate policy at the expense of the socially weak. Or even better are the parties that simply want to negate climate change and are thus at the level of the Church in the time of Galileo issued.

We haven't really gotten much further since 1633. There are many important findings, but what must not be, must not be. Just as the church blocked the meaningful application of knowledge back then, politics is doing it now.

The hundsfutter Team


Life sentence for Galileo

Church brings the famous scientist to his knees.

Quoted from Planet School.

Galileo's claim that the earth revolves around the sun has been declared false and not proven.

In the trial against the mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei (68) the verdict was reached. The judges of the Catholic Church agree: Galileo's “Copernican view of the world” contradicts the Bible. Galileo's claim that the earth revolves around the sun has been declared false and not proven.

In the Roman Dominican monastery of Santa Maria, the professor of mathematics had to renounce his teaching while kneeling in front of the guards of the Catholic Church. Instead of imprisonment, Galileo is now threatened with lifelong house arrest. With immediate effect, his books are no longer allowed to be published.

The Church then continued to insist on a verbatim interpretation of Scripture unless there is clear evidence against it. (This corresponds to the attitude of many politicians and entrepreneurs to climate change today ...)

Galileo had observed the starry sky for years for his research. To do this, he used the latest technical tool, the recently invented "telescope". His observations allowed only one conclusion: the earth - like the other planets - revolves around the sun. The Church warned him on several occasions to be careful with such claims. In spite of this, the scientist vehemently advocated this “Copernican worldview”.

The publication of his book “Dialogo” brought the barrel to overflowing: Pope Urban VIII reacted insulted, and so Galileo was brought to justice in Rome. The Church continues to insist on a literal interpretation of Scripture unless there is clear evidence against it.

Quoted from Planet School.

The resistance is growing slowly but steadily and this is an opportunity ...

Fortunately, there are now a lot of people who no longer want the way they did before and who are calling for change. Unfortunately, it is also often people with feelings and needs and needs and the ability and willingness to lie to themselves and lose everything for a nice moment. And especially when things get worse and worse, power people who promise things that they can never keep (and don't even intend to) can have frightening success. And unfortunately the mighty are just mighty and also shameless. They walk over corpses and for them there is no ethics, pity, scruples, no “NoGo” or “to here and no further”. Every means is right for them and in the modern world they also have infinite possibilities to bring people on their line.

Nature is the boss of life.

But the people who are calling for change are very many and since nature is impressively showing us that she is the boss of life and that no one subjugates nature, it is to be hoped that the next government in Germany will provide the decisive impetus can. So that we humans can live on earth for a long time.

Don't wait for a new government to pull the ball out of the mud, but act now yourself.

Every little action and every little contribution counts. Because only if we are honest with ourselves and make an effort can we make it. We need a collective change in consciousness. We need people with values ​​and decency in key positions. We need people who live and want to and are able to pass on real values. Then, building on the already large proportion of the population who have already understood that things cannot go on like this, a wave of positive change can arise. And for this we need the positive impulse from politics with people in power with responsibility and real values ​​and EVERY individual who consciously consumes, some just doesn't do some things, lives real human values ​​and longs for a human future worth living.

We also want to make our contribution.

We believe in it. And that's why we do what we do and how we do it. It is simply a need, even if it only works on a small scale and is also very fragile, to implement real sustainability and to find a way of life and economy that is not based on exploitation and destruction. We want, want, want to make our contribution.

That is why our dog snacks and dog menus are vegan. We use regional ingredients. We work as a manufacturer and we pack environmentally neutral or not at all. And most importantly, our products are honest. Whoever orders from us is treated well and gets something that we like to have ourselves and give to our dogs and eat ourselves. All hundsfutter Snacks have the quality of human food and we ourselves like to eat them as snacks in between. Because we know what's inside, we know that no muesli bar from the supermarket is anywhere near as full of natural and carefully prepared ingredients. In addition, the snacks are delicious.

Natural diversity is good for the dog and good for the world.

We make a lot of different snacks and menus for dogs. Because the natural diversity is very healthy. In addition, it helps that nature has enough time to regenerate and that one does not grow a food excessively and thus impair biodiversity and disturb the balance of nature. And we want to make our products happy. We want this positive energy, which is now so important to our survival on earth, to be reflected in every one of our products. And we want this positive thinking that we share with the people who own their dog hundsfutter order, pass on. So that we can reach even more people and be part of this positive movement.

And that's why the discussion about the candidate for chancellor's résumé made us so sad. It shows how much power the people who have it do not mean well with life and how easy it is to buy the bulk with promises that cannot be kept afterwards. Because one thing is clear. If we carry on as before, this is Climate collapse sure and we'll be together go under. And everyone who claims otherwise lies in order to achieve something for themselves personally.

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"We overdid it with capitalism."

These are the words of Wolfgang Schäuble in Conversation with climate activist Luisa Neubauer and Spiegel. A very exciting meeting. The essence is that we can largely feel left alone with the problem of the climate catastrophe by politics. The climate catastrophe overwhelms politics. The mills of politics grind slowly and all we can expect is to be drowned in government decision-making. Their main concern is to commit a formal error. It is not the matter of stopping global warming that counts, but that the official channels are followed. Even if we do global warming obsolete.

Wolfgang Schäuble in Conversation with climate activist Luisa Neubauer and Spiegel.

Healthy sustainable vegan dog snacks from hundsfutter in vacuum glass. They are soft and delicious without any preservatives, additives, flavors or plasticizers. 100% natural. Fair and regional.

There are already solutions to many problems today. We must not always go the easiest and apparently cheapest way, because later we all pay the price for it and it is much higher than investing a little more in sustainability in time. Here in the picture vegan, soft dog snacks without preservatives in a deposit recycling glass from hundsfutter.

Politicians like to point out contracts that must be adhered to. In particular, the treaties that damage the climate or destroy the world come on the table. There are fewer agreements such as those intended to curb pollution of the groundwater or the Paris Agreement, which sets climate protection targets. If the treaties that protect the climate are not kept it is "embarrassing". When the treaties that destroy the world are broken (strangely, it almost never happened) it is against the rule of law and "criminal".

In short ... it is unbelievable. It's so serious and we argue and argue as if we gave up long ago. Obviously, the climate catastrophe overwhelmed politics.

But there is also something positive about the situation.

Well. But you can also see the whole thing positively. Because thanks to the many discussions and all the freedom of expression, we still have a lot of freedom as Germans. Many other countries have much more authoritarian systems in which a great deal of personal freedom has been lost and the environmental situation there is in some cases even more serious than here.

We, on the other hand, can still decide absolutely freely what we do and how and what we buy from whom. And there is the starting point. We have a lot of power. We're just not using them properly.

Our vegan dog snacks are handmade by people in the inclusive workshop

Freedom is, for example, that we are part of hundsfutter were allowed to go our own way from the start. We work in Germany and with the right people in the inclusive workshop. This gives our products a loving touch that no other product can match. We are very happy that more and more people are attending to just that hundsfutter estimate.

A world-contemptuous business model that makes the world poorer and poorer.

We are noticing that certain corporations have the business model of usurping all sales so that retail is dying, jobs are being lost and our inner cities are dying out. We realize that what happens there has dire consequences. But we keep buying from these certain big corporations. Funny actually. So with our money we support those who destroy our lives and make them poorer and poorer.

We actually know about the grievances, but it is still too difficult for many to change something.

It's the same with environmental protection. Everyone should by now be familiar with the conditions of factory farming and the consequences for the climate and the environment. And actually everyone should be aware that buying meat from these big slaughters seals the suffering of animals and brings the climate and environment to collapse. And yet you don't notice anything at the supermarket checkout. The money continues to flow in the direction of those who destroy our lives.

Or the deforestation of the rainforest. The rainforest is cleared for pasture or for the cultivation of palm oil. So the consumption of burgers made with the meat of these animals and of products that contain palm oil harms the rainforest. But both the burger and palm oil continues to be consumed uncritically.

There are infinitely many examples of this type of relationship. And to come back to the quote from the beginning. Yes we have exaggerated capitalism. And thoroughly. Everything is interwoven and well organized in order to get the maximum profit out of nature, animals and people. And because the whole system has to grow more and more, for years it was only about one thing: yield and profit. And the resulting climate catastrophe overwhelms politics.

Dog products that are fairly manufactured in the inclusive workshop in Germany by hundsfutter

Perhaps it may seem a bit dreamy to one or the other what we are doing hundsfutter do. Namely, to produce fair and handcrafted products that any normal entrepreneur in Asia would have children make. But the people who order our products and the people who make them are so happy with them that it can't be so wrong. There are already a lot of people to whom an ideal added value for a product means a lot. Luckily.

The offspring are trained to keep fueling turbo-capitalism - regardless of losses.

The system has produced tons of young business talents who outdo each other in accelerating, automating and making processes more profitable. It doesn't matter whether the consumer gets worse and worse goods and the world gets more and more harm.

All humanity fell by the wayside. And every compassion. All humility before life, all social skills, decency, morality and sense of responsibility seem to be lost. Somehow it seems like people are not realizing what is happening in the world and that it is very threatening. We no longer have time to look the other way or wait for politics.

Shop unpacked dog chew bones online. Vegan, hypoallergenic, healthy and sustainable. Shop online directly from the inclusive team.

Vegan dog chew bones are healthy for the dog. They clean teeth and the ingredients contribute to a healthy varied diet. In addition, your dog will not become a waste processor in the meat industry, which with its unscrupulous exploitation of animals has played a massive role in the destruction of our planet. It is best for the environment if you buy the dog snacks unpackaged directly from us online. We'll send them straight to your home with DHL GoGreen.

We have to help politicians now because they are not up to the situation with your means. Because later, when it is back on track, it will support our most important ally and us with your laws and resolutions.

We have to help politics. Because at the moment the climate catastrophe is overwhelming politics. Our system is not designed for this situation. The federal government is like a heavy giant tanker that cannot easily change course. It takes an infinite number of small tugs to maneuver it in the right direction. And that's us. Everyone who works for the climate, humanity, the environment and animals gives a positive impulse.

And when enough come together, the heavy ship moves and begins to move in a new, better direction. And it begins to support our impulse and produce resolutions and laws that will help us stop the madness. Even if the climate catastrophe is overwhelming at the moment, it will again become an important ally at our side in the future. Because we can only cope with this situation together.

Politicians are overwhelmed by the climate crisis. Everyone must now take the initiative to reshape our world sustainably.

Sustainable transformation is the new age after the digital era. Now it is a matter of repairing the enormous damage and failures of digitalization mania and taking a new, intelligent, human and sustainable path. There will have to be very radical changes, but in the end we will regain all the values ​​that were left behind. What at first feels like renunciation soon turns out to be an enormous enrichment for the individual and for humanity in general.

It is simply terrible how obsessively the RWE and the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia (Armin Laschet) try to subvert the decisions to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. Here a report from the TAZ.

The chairman of the Greens, Dr. Anton Hofreiter, has in his Home Page said that he believes that we will achieve climate change in time. And then he emphasizes again in the postscript that he really believes in it. That moved me a lot, because it's so real and authentic. It is wonderful that he has such an important role in German politics and that he is already on our side.

Because we also believe that we can do it.

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Why we do one and the other too.

We make vegan and also vegetarian products because we know that the way to vegan life is mostly via this detour.

And we know: vegan lifestyle is climate protection. Because at some point it was so far that we ourselves "woke up" and became aware of what we are doing with our carefree consumption. It always had to be practical and fast and you looked the other way, how and where things came from. And the garbage didn't matter either, there was the green dot and they take care of it. But since that moment we have gradually changed our diet and consumption. It didn't go from one day to the next. But the goal was clear and the way went and goes via detours and intermediate stops. Meat fell away immediately. From one day to another. Then fish. Dairy products and eggs took a little longer. Probably also because the connection with animal welfare is not as obvious as when eating dead carcasses. In addition, the organic attitude is popular because you don't want it to be the way it is. Unfortunately, organic farming is only a little different from normal farming. So no Heidi meadow idyll. And the calves are also separated from the mother and killed. That's why we've been working on vegan cheese recipes for some time. Because the answer to the climate crisis lies largely in the diet, because a vegan lifestyle is climate protection.

We want to make vegan cheese substitutes so good soon that we can become a 100% vegan brand for dog snacks, dog biscuits, dog treats, dog nutrition.

To make the way with as many as possible Dog friends To be able to go together, that is to create the switch to veganism together, we have currently decided to offer vegetarian products. We do not like that, but if we are too radical, many people still reject us. And so we lose the chance that someone who would never buy vegan products for dogs will try at least something vegetarian. If he is really enthusiastic about it, he would rather try something vegan from our range. And most of the time, the dogs find it so good that we can win a new, vegan customer. In the end, this helps the animals and the world more than if we overwhelm the willingness to change and thereby lose. Because only together with many can vegan lifestyle provide climate protection.

And because the transformation of our society into a sustainable, life-friendly society is very complex, the problem has to be tackled from different angles. This is the only way we can permanently ensure that the animals can soon live better, that the environment can breathe a sigh of relief, that the industry understands that one has to produce sustainably and that People understand that they are responsible for their consumption behavior. Because only together can we manage to preserve our world for many generations to come.

It is important what you do and how you do it. That is why we are particularly concerned with the "where from" and "where to" and with the "how" and "why" and the "what then" in various areas of life. Here some examples:

Develop new food and snacks from proven and natural ingredients.

we are growing our own sprouts for our new vegan dog snacks and dog menus

We are constantly developing new recipes to enable an ever more varied diet. What is completely new for us is that we ourselves produce sprouts, which we process in our snacks and dog menus and in dog food. This gives the dogs particularly valuable new ingredients in the bowl.

A lot could just be different.

Nonviolent dog snacks with healthy vegan ingredients from hundsfutter

Vegan lifestyle is climate protection. That's why we're helping hundsfutter non-violent, vegan dog snacks, dog biscuits, dog rewards and dog chewing bones that taste and are healthy. In addition, our products are particularly lovingly and imaginatively executed. And so they are also ideal gifts from dog lover to dog lover.

Within the Packaging applies very clearly, a little less is a lot more.

Vegan dog menu 3kg unwrapped - natural, healthy, sustainable

We are concerned about the garbage mountain. All of our products are packaged so that there is no waste. Either the snacks, cookies for dogs, treats in glasses that can be recycled, or in bags that are compostable and we prefer to send them unwrapped. That means, completely without direct outer packaging, simply in a box, loose and in kilos.

Regional is very important for the CO2 balance.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

We cook fresh dog food that we deliver as CO2 neutral as possible directly to our customers' homes. We can also take special requests into account. In any case, we use regional ingredients from organic agriculture. If you want to find out more, simply email: info

Similar to our concession on vegetarian snacks, we hope to at least improve something for the animals with this initiative. Admittedly, this happens with a laughing and a crying eye.

Respect for life is the way to a sustainable society.

lovingly made dog snacks and chewing bones by hundsfutter are hypoallergenic and vegan.

We want to pass on the fun we have at work with each of our products. Because the loving handling of things, animals and people is the key to a sustainable attitude to life. And we can only preserve our world with respect for other people, animals and nature.

You can maintain diversity and even protect the climate.

Purchase of materials in the shop around the corner to strengthen regional trade

For many of our dog gifts we need additional materials such as fabrics, yarn, rivets, rope, ribbons, etc. We basically buy these materials in the shop around the corner to support regional trade. Just as real people work for us and give them all their personality, we would like other companies to rely on people and not outsource everything and manage it by application. In addition, it is active climate protection to cycle to the shop by bike. That just fits the vegan lifestyle. 😉

We can only be really good if the people we work with are very good.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

Our products can only be as good as the ingredients we use. That is why we rely on our suppliers for partners who work 100% fairly and ecologically. Here in the picture Pest control at the Eiling organic mill in Warstein with warmth. It doesn't get more ecological and less polluting. That is why we obtain our flour from the organic mill Eiling.

CO2 is arguably one of the worst enemies in the world.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

The energy balance is very important in everything we do. We basically work regionally. That means with ingredients from the environment and everything is manufactured in our workshop. No outsourced production and no unnecessary transport routes. The dry snacks are air-dried without energy, which is also very gentle on the ingredients. And we ship via DHL GoGreen carbon neutral. Unfortunately, vegan lifestyle alone is not enough to save the world. For climate protection, we have to be very disciplined in all areas of our lives.

Vacuum instead of harmful preservatives and additives.

We preserve in a vacuum. Because many dogs particularly like soft snacks, but we generally do not use any additives or preservatives, we preserve these snacks in vacuum jars. The glasses ensure that the snacks stay tasty, soft and fresh for years. We are happy to take the glasses back for a deposit.

Vegan lifestyle is climate protection and good for everyone.

Good for some animals and good for the other animals. The vegan lifestyle helps “farm animals” because we respect them and let them live. And he helps our dogs. Because a lot of diseases and allergies are the result of a wrong diet that makes you sick. In principle, we do not use any additives, colorings or flavor enhancers to make the feed look attractive and taste good. And our ingredients are pure and clearly defined and there are no traces of anything in them that is not on the label. In addition, we always develop our recipes in such a way that we leave out allergenic ingredients. So is hundsfutter good for the dog, the other animals and also vegan lifestyle is climate protection.

The most important thing is that we all want to change something for the good.

You should never say from the start that something is the way it always was and cannot be change. The wonderful and true story of the vegetarian lioness 'Little Tyke' shows, what is possible if you want and if you give life a chance and don't squeeze it into what you think is right.

7 different dog menus from hundsfutter for a healthy, natural and varied diet of the dog.

vegan zero waste dog food for soaking

Because we want the dogs to live healthily and well, we make various dog menus. Each for a day. Instead of a full food, we have many different dog menus. The different foods complement each other if a different menu is fed every day. This is varied for the dog and ensures a very good, rich diet. In addition, the menus vegan and air dried. As a result, they are very energy-saving in their manufacture, in terms of ingredients, and in transport and storage. They are simply soaked for feeding. Air drying is also a very gentle and valuable method.

What else has to happen before people finally wake up?

Climate protection is the most important thing we have to do at the moment.

Our vegan, regional focus is also a response to the state of the world and the situation of life on earth. There are so many signs and warnings the world is giving us that you just can't look away. We just have to take the step that everyone sees that he can contribute too. That is also one of our most important concerns. In the Siberian tundra only 300 km from the North Pole, the ground is usually always frozen solid. The diesel tanks of a thermal power plant stood on pillars, on this frozen ground. Due to climate change, the ice has given way and one of the pillars has sunk, which has led to a leak in the tank and this oil disaster caused. We read the message in the mirror.

What you mean should be shared with others.

Like conscious consumer behavior, vegan lifestyle is a contribution that we can all make here and now for a better future on planet Earth.

We know from ourselves that it is best to share the things that you find important with other people. Surprise the other with something special that is tailored to them. That is why we make gift boxes. Some are already ready to order, but we are also very happy if someone has a very special idea and we can then implement it. Please just email or call. We can actually do everything.

At some point it will be the last warning and then there is nothing more you can do. We still have a small chance of stopping the climate collapse.

Global warming has catastrophic consequences for humanity. Unfortunately, there are already so many harbingers of a climate clap that it is completely incomprehensible that people are still going on as before.

We are very concerned with climate change and news like the one at the end of this text motivates us to find more and more people who have a similar desire to contribute something positive. That is why we regularly post articles and information that caught our eye. For example this message: “The eternal ice in the mountains between Italy and Switzerland is beginning to melt, so this Mountain hut is already half in Swiss territory.“Facts that really show how serious the situation is and that there is simply no time to wait. You now have to actively change your lifestyle in order to gain time for the 100% transformation into a sustainable society.

When all people are involved in all areas of life, you will notice how much you learn from each other. And how much we had stood in the way before.

We need a solidary, sustainable economy for a future worth living

It is also important to us how we work and with whom. We are for a fair and just society. All people have the same right to participate in all areas of life. In our inclusive workshop, we all work at eye level. Everyone is involved in the process and everything we do is carefully and lovingly done by hand. This makes our products really special. And this shows once again our desire to address those who have hope that good things can happen. Because that's a lot, because it's the prerequisite for everything.

Everything we do is aimed at those who help with hope, commitment and discipline that together we can create the change to a sustainable society.

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Instead of cheap offers, we now need a sustainable, solidarity-based economy.

Always bargains, always offers, and always buy where it is cheapest. That is a virtue with us. a matter of course and a must. It's not that there's no money or that you can't make ends meet, but it's a passion. And that's exactly what is destroying our lives. Because we now need a sustainable economy based on solidarity.

Cheap at any price.

For example, you buy grill meat in a supermarket from the place after that, because it is the cheapest there. What you save is left at the gas station, but it doesn't matter. The thing with Climate protection and animal welfare is a matter for others. “You can't do anything anyway.” Is the excuse. You try out a bike at the dealer and then order it online. The dealer then goes bankrupt. The pizza is brought to you by an app service whose business model is to pay the individual restaurants very little for the dishes and to have them delivered by people on bicycles for a starvation wage. It is very convenient for those who order, but it is ruining many restaurants. That is exactly what a solidary, sustainable economy can prevent. It is also very practical to order a limousine with an app and it is also cheap. But the price is not real. The price is so low because it is an investment by a company that wants to take over all the taxi rides. And also wants to use our data through the applications to turn us into transparent consumers.

"If I change something, none of that changes anyway."

Klaus average consumer

Every purchase counts, because if we buy the wrong products, our world will never change for the better.

And that's how it works with all products. And every purchase from cheapest aggravates the situation of the world. Because cheap prices are only possible if there is massive pressure on them Producer or provider is exercised. This creates a chain in which one pressure always exerts on the next in order to become even cheaper. This means that all solidarity, environmental protection and fairness fall by the wayside. People, animals and nature are exploited. All of our living space is destroyed, the air is polluted and the water is poisoned. Anyone who can no longer withstand the pressure in the chain or does not want to withstand it, falls out of the system and is replaced. That is exactly why we have one solidary, sustainable economy need.

That leaves only those who don't care about anything anyway.

And those who don't care about everything rationalize their production processes without social responsibility. More and more people are losing their jobs. And the price war is forcing more and more small and medium-sized companies to give up and also all the self-employed and thus their network of collaborators. As a result, an infinite number of jobs are lost. The diversity and proximity of the companies is lost. The cityscape continues to become impoverished. You no longer have a contact person. Nobody is responsible anymore. All that remains is a hotline with eternal waiting times and poor service.

Our cheap madness makes us surrender to the system. That we sacrifice what we love for a "bargain". So that sooner or later we will feel the consequences in our own lives. Be it through loss of existence, unemployment, damage to health, loneliness, destruction of nature, loss of freedom through general impoverishment, so that one can no longer trust oneself on the street and global crises like Corona, which can lead to wars.

Our out of control Growth economy transform into a solidary sustainable economy ...

If you can't find work at the big companies, sooner or later you won't have any more work. If you keep in mind that these big ones Companies replace as many jobs as possible with robots or IT and many parts of the production process Outsourcing to countries that can produce very cheaply at the expense of people and nature is a pretty bleak panorama. The corporate strategy is simply clear. It's about making a profit. Social responsibility is not a corporate goal. So you should actually think carefully whether you feed such systems with your money. It is up to us to transform our economy into a solidary, sustainable economy.

"We build a machine that builds machines."

The Tesla CEO on the construction of the Tesla plants in Berlin.

In the end, “cheap” kills us all.

So please be careful with “cheap”, because you dig your own grave with it. Not today, not tomorrow, but very soon and with 100% certainty. In addition, you take the future from the next generation, i.e. your own children.

The real losers are just being born.

Der "Cheap delusion“At the expense of those who cannot say anything like animals, trees, rivers, the air and the sea. Then "cheap" goes to the detriment of those we just don't care about, because they live on the other side of the world. And then "cheap" destroys our own existence. Those of workers, white-collar workers, small and medium-sized companies as well as self-employed people and pensioners and people without work. And then it also affects those who are just being born. Our children. The future of the coming generations will be burdened with such problems, so that they actually have no chance of a real life, because the basis of life is already scarce.

We should react immediately to save time.

Instead of doing everything to immediately deal with the planet and resources better, to gain time, to find the right solutions, we look further away and discuss. Who is to blame and who has to start to change something.

We need one now sustainableto build a solidarity-based economy.

It is our chance now, with a solidary, sustainable economy, the people who animals and to focus on nature. Right now, when all attention is focused on Corona, we cannot miss starting over.

We must now transform growth capitalism, which is out of control, into a social, sustainable economy. For us and as an example for other countries. Because everyone has to participate now. Time is running and once the rainforest has been cut down, it cannot be brought back. And if ours Groundwater contaminated then you can no longer drink it. And if we don't start to accept alternative forms of nutrition now, we will soon have nothing left to live on. It's serious. You can either continue doing something like before until everything collapses ... or you start right now to reflect on what is really important. The life.