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"We overdid it with capitalism."

These are the words of Wolfgang Schäuble in Conversation with climate activist Luisa Neubauer and Spiegel. A very exciting meeting. The essence is that we can largely feel left alone with the problem of the climate catastrophe by politics. The climate catastrophe overwhelms politics. The mills of politics grind slowly and all we can expect is to be drowned in government decision-making. Their main concern is to commit a formal error. It is not the matter of stopping global warming that counts, but that the official channels are followed. Even if we do global warming obsolete.

Wolfgang Schäuble in Conversation with climate activist Luisa Neubauer and Spiegel.

Healthy sustainable vegan dog snacks from hundsfutter in vacuum glass. They are soft and delicious without any preservatives, additives, flavors or plasticizers. 100% natural. Fair and regional.

There are already solutions to many problems today. We must not always go the easiest and apparently cheapest way, because later we all pay the price for it and it is much higher than investing a little more in sustainability in time. Here in the picture vegan, soft dog snacks without preservatives in a deposit recycling glass from hundsfutter.

Politicians like to point out contracts that must be adhered to. In particular, the treaties that damage the climate or destroy the world come on the table. There are fewer agreements such as those intended to curb pollution of the groundwater or the Paris Agreement, which sets climate protection targets. If the treaties that protect the climate are not kept it is "embarrassing". When the treaties that destroy the world are broken (strangely, it almost never happened) it is against the rule of law and "criminal".

In short ... it is unbelievable. It's so serious and we argue and argue as if we gave up long ago. Obviously, the climate catastrophe overwhelmed politics.

But there is also something positive about the situation.

Well. But you can also see the whole thing positively. Because thanks to the many discussions and all the freedom of expression, we still have a lot of freedom as Germans. Many other countries have much more authoritarian systems in which a great deal of personal freedom has been lost and the environmental situation there is in some cases even more serious than here.

We, on the other hand, can still decide absolutely freely what we do and how and what we buy from whom. And there is the starting point. We have a lot of power. We're just not using them properly.

Our vegan dog snacks are handmade by people in the inclusive workshop

Freedom is, for example, that we are part of hundsfutter were allowed to go our own way from the start. We work in Germany and with the right people in the inclusive workshop. This gives our products a loving touch that no other product can match. We are very happy that more and more people are attending to just that hundsfutter estimate.

A world-contemptuous business model that makes the world poorer and poorer.

We are noticing that certain corporations have the business model of usurping all sales so that retail is dying, jobs are being lost and our inner cities are dying out. We realize that what happens there has dire consequences. But we keep buying from these certain big corporations. Funny actually. So with our money we support those who destroy our lives and make them poorer and poorer.

We actually know about the grievances, but it is still too difficult for many to change something.

It's the same with environmental protection. Everyone should by now be familiar with the conditions of factory farming and the consequences for the climate and the environment. And actually everyone should be aware that buying meat from these big slaughters seals the suffering of animals and brings the climate and environment to collapse. And yet you don't notice anything at the supermarket checkout. The money continues to flow in the direction of those who destroy our lives.

Or the deforestation of the rainforest. The rainforest is cleared for pasture or for the cultivation of palm oil. So the consumption of burgers made with the meat of these animals and of products that contain palm oil harms the rainforest. But both the burger and palm oil continues to be consumed uncritically.

There are infinitely many examples of this type of relationship. And to come back to the quote from the beginning. Yes we have exaggerated capitalism. And thoroughly. Everything is interwoven and well organized in order to get the maximum profit out of nature, animals and people. And because the whole system has to grow more and more, for years it was only about one thing: yield and profit. And the resulting climate catastrophe overwhelms politics.

Dog products that are fairly manufactured in the inclusive workshop in Germany by hundsfutter

Perhaps it may seem a bit dreamy to one or the other what we are doing hundsfutter do. Namely, to produce fair and handcrafted products that any normal entrepreneur in Asia would have children make. But the people who order our products and the people who make them are so happy with them that it can't be so wrong. There are already a lot of people to whom an ideal added value for a product means a lot. Luckily.

The offspring are trained to keep fueling turbo-capitalism - regardless of losses.

The system has produced tons of young business talents who outdo each other in accelerating, automating and making processes more profitable. It doesn't matter whether the consumer gets worse and worse goods and the world gets more and more harm.

All humanity fell by the wayside. And every compassion. All humility before life, all social skills, decency, morality and sense of responsibility seem to be lost. Somehow it seems like people are not realizing what is happening in the world and that it is very threatening. We no longer have time to look the other way or wait for politics.

Shop unpacked dog chew bones online. Vegan, hypoallergenic, healthy and sustainable. Shop online directly from the inclusive team.

Vegan dog chew bones are healthy for the dog. They clean teeth and the ingredients contribute to a healthy varied diet. In addition, your dog will not become a waste processor in the meat industry, which with its unscrupulous exploitation of animals has played a massive role in the destruction of our planet. It is best for the environment if you buy the dog snacks unpackaged directly from us online. We'll send them straight to your home with DHL GoGreen.

We have to help politicians now because they are not up to the situation with your means. Because later, when it is back on track, it will support our most important ally and us with your laws and resolutions.

We have to help politics. Because at the moment the climate catastrophe is overwhelming politics. Our system is not designed for this situation. The federal government is like a heavy giant tanker that cannot easily change course. It takes an infinite number of small tugs to maneuver it in the right direction. And that's us. Everyone who works for the climate, humanity, the environment and animals gives a positive impulse.

And when enough come together, the heavy ship moves and begins to move in a new, better direction. And it begins to support our impulse and produce resolutions and laws that will help us stop the madness. Even if the climate catastrophe is overwhelming at the moment, it will again become an important ally at our side in the future. Because we can only cope with this situation together.

Politicians are overwhelmed by the climate crisis. Everyone must now take the initiative to reshape our world sustainably.

Sustainable transformation is the new age after the digital era. Now it is a matter of repairing the enormous damage and failures of digitalization mania and taking a new, intelligent, human and sustainable path. There will have to be very radical changes, but in the end we will regain all the values ​​that were left behind. What at first feels like renunciation soon turns out to be an enormous enrichment for the individual and for humanity in general.

It is simply terrible how obsessively the RWE and the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia (Armin Laschet) try to subvert the decisions to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. Here a report from the TAZ.

The chairman of the Greens, Dr. Anton Hofreiter, has in his Home Page said that he believes that we will achieve climate change in time. And then he emphasizes again in the postscript that he really believes in it. That moved me a lot, because it's so real and authentic. It is wonderful that he has such an important role in German politics and that he is already on our side.

Because we also believe that we can do it.

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We urgently need good role models. And good imitators just as urgently.

Social skills and common sense as the way to a sustainable future

Wir brauchen Common sense persons and social skills.

We have a big problem in our society. Namely that nobody wants to start taking the first step. It is demanded that the problems must be solved, but with the conviction that you cannot contribute anything yourself. There is simply a lack of common sense and that social competence. And the willingness to adapt to the new situation and to judge changes fairly, which may initially feel like a disadvantage to recognize the good that we gain.

Where on earth has common sense gone?

There is no awareness that things can no longer be solved that easily and, above all, that we cannot just leave that to the person who assured us in the last election that everything was under control. Or those who sell us products and make us believe that they'll take on the annoying thing about social skills for you. Be it warning sensors on SUVs to prevent accidents or organizations that promise (for the good conscience of the donor) to do a lot of good or dubious technology that Solve environmental problems should, ...... etc.

Look the other way, hope and pay indulgences.

These expenses are often only indulgences to wash yourself clean. But it would be important that everyone honestly thinks about what else can be done. Because these measures, which we carry out directly, simply have the best effect. You make a difference immediately. The help and improvement does not need to take a complicated detour (on which unfortunately a lot is lost) and most importantly, it has one Snowball effect. It affects the other people. A positive movement begins. And when suddenly a lot of people want the right thing, then something really happens. But if you are only half-heartedly with indulgence payments, then that is not enough and everything stays as it is.

It is missing from very many People the common sense that says, "Wait a minute ... you can also contribute, simply because it is very important now that everyone participates."

Social competence? Sense of responsibility?

Lately, many people have dealt with a sense of responsibility and social competence while watching Sesame Street and are therefore not a good role model. The bad thing about the system is that this certain recklessness is often financially rewarded.

Hope that the problems will be solved and look the other way ...

So everyone then hopes that science or technology will present the solution and that everything will go on as before. The main thing is that we are fine.

But this promise no longer has a chance to be kept. Neither technology nor science can do the miracle that we can continue to live as we have before, without changes or adjustments to what the world can sustainably produce. This shows how far we have distanced ourselves from real values ​​such as common sense and social competence

Start now or never with the change to a sustainable lifestyle.

It would be good to start now and adopt a sustainable lifestyle. Because if we miss the last moment for it, there can be such big changes suddenly that we won't survive.

We just can't go on running our world like this. Because it is as good as too late to save our own future and leave more than just problems for future generations. We need common sense, social skills and the willingness to start with the change from within.

The list of Immediate measures that make a contribution Securing our life is long and actionable for everyone. It is sad to see that many people believe that there is no need to lead by example. And it's sad to see them like that whole possibilitiesthat everyone has, all go unused. Whether for daily shopping, when choosing the means of transport for the trip to the office. Or dealing with the electricity provider, the waste issue and nature in the immediate vicinity.

Afterwards the whining is great when there are no more bees, the trees dry up, the groundwater is polluted, the air is poisonous, the sun is too strong, the sea is dead and people are sick. The connection is clearly with our buying behavior. And with the delusional price comparison to always buy the cheapest and the "want to have everything for yourself". No matter what the consequences for people, animals, the environment. It's all a chain of connections that we could influence with our consumer behavior.