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Can you force the economy to be sustainable? For example, we could just leave the goods that destroy our lives on the shelf ...

vegan fair sustainable - all of hundsfutter must correspond to these values

This is again about conscious consumption. About how we use the economy Sustainability can force. There used to be such nice stickers on the cars: “Imagine it's war and nobody goes there.” - Why should we do something if it's bad for us? Why do we get caught up in promises that are as untenable as if they were from the American election campaign?

Our last post was about how we like to be lied to. That's a very sore point. Maybe it's humanity's Achilles heel. And it may cost us our existence. Because it makes us vulnerable. And our only enemy on this planet knows that. The human being.

And because people are controlled by greed and fantasies of omnipotence, they shamelessly exploit this weak point to keep us small, to steal our time and to rob us of our money.

Society has overslept for a long time that digitalization has created a tremendous superiority of a few who do not mean well with the world.

But we have a remedy for it. Conscious, sustainable consumption.

When a Company treats its employees badly, So people like you and me, people that we partially know and with whom we are friends, it would make sense if we didn't buy anything from this company. Simply as an answer that we don't like how things are going there. We have to force the economy to be sustainable.

Sounds easy and is obvious. But hardly anyone does it. In any case, far too few. Because it would mean that you might have to wait 3 days longer for the item or maybe pay 5 euros more.

But honestly, isn't it worth it if the companies that treat their employees better can get the job and survive with it?

When we go to the economy Sustainability can force. if enough people participate, the overwhelming power of such corporations could be broken and our world would become more livable again. More livable means that people could live happier and maybe even get by with less consumption. Because a lot of purchases are acquisitions to forget the frustration of life a bit. Or? Frustration that we don't have time, frustration that we have no relation to our work, frustration that we are always afraid that the next wave of layoffs will catch us, frustration that our life is racing by without that we live it ourselves, instead we take part in the lives of others, but it always feels stale and unfulfilled. Frustration that we can no longer find the right happiness because there is too much distraction between us and life.

The example with the employees is just an example. Other corporations do the same with food. New products that are invented under the premise of maximizing profit are constantly coming onto the shelves. Most are bad to very bad for the consumer, however. Sometimes they make us sick. But that's not bad, because most of the time the same company has the “antidote” on offer. So a product to compensate for the consequences of the enjoyment of the other. Idiotic. And unnecessarily ... .. and by the way the mountain of rubbish is created, which is the next problem for mankind.

The list of manufacturers who harm us and who earn our money for it is very long. That is why we have to start forcing the economy to be sustainable.

We need to know what is important to us in life.

A vicious circle. Man made and disastrous. And you think you can't escape. But one can. The people have to be with them start yourself. And clarify what is important to you. And question things, be critical and just say no when they are attracted to consumption. Because that's where it starts. Refuse the dazzling products and you're done.

If enough people do that, this product or company will become disappear and stop poisoning the world. And so we can force the economy to be sustainable.

That's why we do what we do.

Because we think so, we have hundsfutter the demand on ourselves to give something back to the world that is really sustainable. Something that is good for people, dogs, other animals and the planet.

We can force the economy to be sustainable. We just have to leave the goods and products that destroy our lives on the shelf.

We only use natural ingredients. We do not add any preservatives or flavor enhancers. What tastes good is the good ingredient and the gentle processing. And the soft dog snacks in the glass become durable thanks to the vacuum. The glasses can be stored for 3 years without refrigeration. Once opened, they should be kept in the refrigerator because like any other food they would naturally spoil without refrigeration.

And by the way it is very healthy for humans as well as for dogs. All those who claim otherwise, mostly have some kind of financial interest in artificially increasing meat consumption. We have a lot of vegan snacks and additional feed with selected and specially coordinated ingredients.

Preferably vegan. We think it's great that more and more people are adopting a vegan diet and are also giving their dogs more vegan food and vegan snacks. This is a very important and very simple contribution to climate protection, animal welfare and against hunger. And by the way it is very healthy for humans as well as for dogs. All those who claim otherwise, mostly have some kind of financial interest in artificially increasing meat consumption. We have many vegan snacks and additional feed with selected and specially coordinated ingredients. Because sustainable management is our priority.

Conscious consumption can force the economy to become more sustainable. Because if we just buy unpacked, then unpacked will prevail.

Many of our customers are very progressive. They always bring us new ideas. Because we are small and flexible, it is also very easy to implement such requests. All of our products are now also available unpacked. That means, we simply leave out everything that is not necessary. Biscuits by the kilo simply in a box (which is also made of recycled material, we prefer to use the boxes from Biobiene). The dogs think that's great anyway.

It is important to ensure social justice while protecting the environment. All people want a fulfilling task that they can live on. Economic growth through rationalization is the completely wrong path for our future.

Everything that comes from our workshop is lovingly handmade. For us, it starts with the selection of materials that have to be fair, natural and sustainable. And it continues with processing. Gentle and preserving value. We are always very proud when the people who buy our things notice that something is very special about what we do. 🙂

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First vegetarian then vegan.

First vegetarian then vegan. This is the normal way for many vegans. We see the vegan / vegetarian orientation as an invitation to switch more and more to a plant-based food. Or at least to enrich the previous diet with the valuable substances of vegan / vegetarian food. We don't want to press anyone to become a vegan, but we want to point out what is possible without meat.

First vegetarian then vegan. This is the normal way for many vegans. We see the vegan / vegetarian orientation as an invitation to switch more and more to a plant-based food. Or at least to enrich the previous diet with the Recyclables the vegan / vegetarian food. We don't want to pressure anyone to become a vegan, but we want to draw attention to what everything without meat is possible. Because the meat industry is very bad for our planet and the suffering inflicted on the animals is unspeakable. Especially because society demands low prices and the exploitation of living things is infinitely unscrupulous. And that even with so-called animal welfare, the animals do not fare much better than those in normal husbandry.

Work for it we also about being able to offer a vegan alternative for the vegetarian products soon. Because the way is often so that you first live vegetarian then vegan. The vegan cheeses are getting better and better, and soon no one will ask about conventional cheeses anymore. We hope so and the animals too.