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The most ecological product is useless if it is packaged incorrectly.

The hundsfutter we decided to do a few tasks at once. Our products should taste good to the dogs, be healthy and suitable for dogs. You are supposed to Dog people fun do. In addition, everything should fair and be produced sustainably and the carbon footprint should be vanishing. Because sustained life should soon become normal. So everything has to be good for the dog, humans, the world and the other animals. And consequently ours hundsfutter Product can also be packed and shipped accordingly.

Namely sustainable. And very sustainable. We have already tried several packaging manufacturers and are then at Bio bee landed. Because at Bio bee you really think about relieving the environment and living sustainably. Nobody else is so consistent from the products to the shipping and packaging of the goods.

What use would a grass carton (if you are a biobee make a carton out of grass) if you wrap it in plastic wrap? But that's exactly what happened to us several times. Not so with organic bees. Just like with ours Weck Glasses and our flour of Organic mill Eiling we always want our packaging from Bio bee Respectively. Also is Bio bee also close to us, so that in addition to our vegetables and flour, the boxes are now regional.

We are very happy that there are more and more companies that just care what they do. These companies are characterized by a self-reliant attitude, although not required by law, and an understanding of what is really important in life. Sustainable life like this can soon become normal.

Social returns instead of maximizing profits.

Especially now, when people have to take a break, the sustainable orientation, which so far promises social returns rather than maximizing profits, is of the utmost importance. Only such companies deserve to weather the crisis. Because we have to rethink and restructure our entire system.

Beware, there is no command "Z" key in life.

We have reached a level of carelessness in dealing with life that is just embarrassing. We are disrespectful in dealing with other people, animals and nature. One has the feeling that there is a lack of understanding that it is about real life and not about a computer game with the command "Z" key. Ethics will probably have to be learned in school soon, although ethics should actually be taught by parents through example.

We can viel but we have to be ready to see things as they are.

We got into this situation because we simply exaggerated it as a society. We wanted more and more and did less and less. And we didn't care what the consequences for nature, animals and other people were. Somehow, there is a growing awareness in our society that we have a right to live and demand that way.

The situation with the Corona Virus is terrible, but it is also a great opportunity. Because so far vegans have been ridiculed or even regretted and unpackaged shops are rare. And real organic products in the shops are the exception, because most people are completely satisfied when the chocolate is offered in one of Aldi’s favorite “cow with calf” display and Milka claims in all seriousness to know the name of the cow they took away the milk. We are far from sustainable living here.

It just doesn't go on like this anymore. The bad thing is that people often fool around when you talk about this topic. It's kind of a Trivial offenseto behave anti-social. Prudence and sustainability are uncool. But that will change now.

We need people with the right values ​​as role models.

And thanks to people like those at Bio Biene. There you had the right values ​​long before Corona. Such good examples for other companies and fellow human beings are very important. This is how sustainability can spread, so that, for example, it will soon be an absolute "NO GO" to drive from supermarket to supermarket to buy the cheapest pork schnitzel here and the cheapest chicken fillet there, just like the offer of the Business will change. Sustainability will be the most important characteristic of all products and services. Luckily.