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The economy needs sustainable change. The USA is back in the Paris Climate Agreement. Now we have a real chance to do it. :)

The economy needs sustainable change - because the exploitation causes so many follow-up costs that it becomes too expensive.

The economy needs sustainable change, because environmental degradation and Exploitation has meanwhile become too expensive for the world.

A real opportunity for the economy that needs sustainable change.

Only if enough forces want the right thing do we have a chance that the world will change for the better. In view of the situation with the lobbies in Germany, which are currently massively opposing sustainable change, it is fantastic that the USA is now behind the most important movement of our time. The economy must simply no longer function at the expense of the environment. The decision by the Americans makes us move on with a lot of optimism and energy.

Economy knows no consideration.

We at hundsfutter We are very happy about this development, because in the future the economy will need sustainable change. We have experienced ourselves how the system deals with people, how with animals and like with nature. And we all know the infinite hardship with which money determines what happens. And of course the devastating influence of money on human relationships. It makes you sad and you could despair of it.

Ensuring sustainability together.

But you can also look for allies who feel the same way. And tries to take a different path. This is the way we want to go. Because we have the hope that people will reflect on what is really valuable in life.

In our workshop and with all of our products, we implement the values ​​that are important to us. That's why we work in an inclusive team, that's why our products are vegan, that's why our products are really healthy for the dog, that's why our prices are fair, that's why we think about environmental protection in everything we do, that's why our ingredients are from fair, regional producers . That's why we like to fulfill special requests, that's why we particularly like to deliver unpacked, that's why there is a little more with every order than was ordered, that's why we pack environmentally neutral and that's why we ship with GoGreen from DHL.

We at hundsfutter are already implementing sustainable change in the economy in our small company. This is of course easy because we alone have control over our small project. But we know that this will also work on a large scale. If only enough people join in and show the undecided that there is something much nicer than consumption at the expense of the world.

Because it's nice when smaller shops can be opened again. When the center comes to life again and you can shop without using the car and feel safe again in the pedestrian zone in the evening because the city is still busy. And if you simply live well, but not at the expense of others.

The people who order from us, set an important, positive sign. You give one to a small brand Luck to assert oneself in the market. And they decide that there will be more diversity and that not all products will be the same. It is important to them to buy high quality, honest products. You want sustainable change to take place in all areas. It's the people who are also in the unpacked store shop and see their bike at the bike dealer, choose AND buy it and not look for the same model as a bargain on the Internet.

If small businesses are given a real opportunity by the government, by limiting the overwhelming power of mega-corporations with laws, an active, healthy, natural lifestyle can emerge. And with this, many problems in our society can solve themselves.

If we really want it, then we will create the sustainable change that the economy urgently needs now.

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Sustainability is above all a question of will.

Fairly produced healthy sustainable vegan dog chews are delivered unpacked to your home with DHL GoGreen

It is our wish Sustainability to achieve by preserving what is good and changing what needs to be better. Because living sustainably is possible. On the left is an unpacked box with our vegan dog snacks from the inclusive team.

Today some hissing and mastering their dogs have our inclusive ones Dog chews ordered unpacked. This is the most beautiful Easter gift for us, because it gives us great feedback on our Projects. People are looking for us and want sustainable products like we make them. They consume sustainably and steer our society in a new direction in which real values ​​count and Sustainable life is possible. There are already many offers to do something good for yourself and to act fairly. In all areas of life. Thank you for the support on behalf of all sustainable companies.

"Nice to have you."

Comment on an order

The hundsfutter With everything we do, we try to make the world more sustainable. Because only a sustainable lifestyle will make us permanently happy. Living sustainably is possible. Here and now. There are many, very good solutions to humanity's problems. But there are forces in society that block sustainable progress. This is mostly because they simply don't earn enough. And that's exactly where our starting point is.

Shopping is like choosing.

Every consumption has a certain influence on where the world is going. If from now on nobody would eat burgers in fast food restaurants, it would not be long before the fast food restaurants switched to what people want.

Make a profit no matter how.

The big companies want to make big profits. With what and how you do not care. So then we simply show you that we don't care what happens and demand sustainability. If we are consistent with our demand, then you react on the part of the industry. Because you want to continue making money.

But we need real sustainability and none Mock solutionsthat cover up the real problems.

We just have to be careful not to make do with mock solutions. There are a lot of brands that are on assert insolentlythat they solved the problem. For example, you want to make us believe first of all that the cows are already doing really well. The cows continue to be cruelly tortured and people are simply lied to. You are invited to look away again and continue to destroy our world. But living sustainably is possible if you really want to. You just have to be very careful what you buy and who you give your money to.

"Sustainability is a Principle of action for the use of resources, in which the permanent satisfaction of needs is to be guaranteed by preserving the natural regenerative capacity of the systems involved (especially living beings and ecosystems). "


Better not to believe everything.

As long as we prefer to die in a reactor accident before we allow ourselves to be in sight from a wind power plant, renewable energy will not prevail. We have to be aware that the danger from nuclear energy is minimized and the alleged problems of wind energy are exaggerated. There are too many conflicts of interest, so that objective, widespread reporting on these topics does not seem to be possible. This is very dangerous because time is racing and we are missing out on choosing a sustainable future.

Living sustainably is possible.

But animal welfare and renewable energy are just two examples. Living sustainably is possible in many areas of life. In many cases we have to be very careful not to sit up to the cleverly placed lies of the big industry.

We gain an infinite amount through a sustainable lifestyle.

It is time to rave about everything that we can gain in positive terms, if we may also forego something or accept a change. Because once our world is sustainable, it will also be worth living in for everyone. Because the system of exploitation of nature and animals doesn't stop at us either. We have to grow faster and faster as a society, otherwise the system will collapse.

Human resilience is exhausted to the limit. If you don't stand up, you will be left behind.

But we as humans are limited in our capacity to absorb and in our performance. We are overwhelming more and more people and pushing them out of the system. You just can't keep up anymore. And that creates immense inner unrest and discomfort for many. And that long before it is “your turn”. Because subconsciously, people notice that this cannot go well. Just like the animals when they are loaded into the truck to the slaughterhouse.

What we are experiencing at the moment is a hunt in which we are the fox and behind us is a pack of hungry dogs and a few greedy riders. Our powers are finite and sooner or later they will catch each of us.

Wanting to be like the "love of God".

We are currently in a delusion that we as humanity want to become invincible and immortal. We want to solve ALL problems with our ingenuity. We want to be like God at some point. Every means is right for us. And for that we sacrifice our beautiful life. We sacrifice moments of real happiness because it means so much to achieve or own something.

Always more….

We have forgotten how to measure. If we have one, we want the next. And so on. And time is racing faster and faster. Because by now we are very many in the world and we have fewer and fewer real tasks. So you have to fight especially for these few real tasks. And we are becoming more and more people and because the addiction to profit of some and the convenience of others, more and more artificial intelligence, applications and technology are on board, the rhythm becomes hysterical.

Nobody is happy about it. Almost everyone participates. Because we have already lost the belief that something can be changed. But one can. And a lot if a lot of people take part. Because living sustainably is possible. Together we can achieve sustainability.

It is in our hands.

We need a healthy sense of how much we can take. And we should be moderate. There is enough for everyone at the buffet in the world ... ..but there are too many who load the plate too full, even if they cannot finish it afterwards. It is better to throw it away afterwards than to use it in moderation beforehand. The fear of falling short is too great. It has just become normal to only shop by price. And without any thought about how these awards come about, support and make big companies that destroy our own lives. Because that is the business model. With every cheap purchase and every bargain on the Internet, we dig our own grave. But we only notice it firsthand when it's too late. It is also planned that way. And so we run the risk of ending up empty-handed. Living sustainably is possible with Discipline and respect. It is our decision.

“Unfortunately there are none humility more before things. No respect for others and their actions. And no respect for animals and nature. "

Time is running out.

We have to act very quickly now. To do this provisions and Regulate come, some of which are already on the way. Because it is unsustainable how the world is dealt with at the moment. The polluters are now aware that if they continue to do so, they will gamble away their own future. But greed still determines action. We are still certain that, as in Hambacher Forstwho will find people together and show what is really important to you and what is good siegen will end up.

Innovation and the tried and tested complement each other very well.

We are optimistic that there will generally be a return to real values ​​and that a positive dynamic will emerge. An awareness that innovation cannot mean throwing away the tried and tested. And that keeping the tried and true cannot mean closing oneself to progress. We have to intelligently combine the new with the tried-and-tested and manage wisely with the time and all other resources that we have.

Especially after we experienced such bad moments through the pandemic with the Corona Virus that we otherwise only knew from films and books or from the stories of the great-grandparents.

Bring the essence of summer, sun, beach, and sea directly into your glass with our Mojito cocktail syrup. By topping it with soda, garnishing with fresh mint, and a slice of lime, you can quickly mix yourself a spritz cocktail. The premium lime-mint flavor ensures a pure beach feeling. hundsfutter Project we want to be part of this positive, optimistic movement.

And we want to preserve good things and push new things in order to achieve real sustainability.

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Sustainable agriculture in the city center.

Sustainable agriculture in the city center is already possible today

For us at hundsfutter Sustainability is one of the most important principles for everything we do. That is why we always want to present particularly trend-setting concepts for sustainability in this blog. This time it's about sustainable agriculture in the city center.

Truly sustainable concepts that work even in our modern world are already possible today. Like in New York, for example.

Agriculture is practiced in halls in central New York. A great initiative for real ones Sustainability. Hardly any land requirement, very little water requirement and very short transport routes. Actually perfect ...

And best of all, they already exist, these farms in the middle of the city. Such a system is presented here in the you tube video:

Vertical Farming Aero Farms New York

We think this is a fantastic idea and an exemplary project. It just gives hope when people decide to do something like that.

Solve many problems with one idea.

Right now it is important to do so thinking and with a lot Use and energy to ensure that the whole beauty of life is not irretrievably lost. That is why we particularly like the project to practice sustainable agriculture in the city center. This solves many problems of modern city life at once.

Our society has reached such a speed that we can no longer really perceive our lives. So that real life keeps moving away and fewer and fewer people can get involved. Because in the end you can only endure life with aids from our cosmos. There must always be some plastic items, applications, tools or finished products with you to endure life. And that is infinitely sad.

Simply living life is almost impossible.

With this dependence on consumption and the belief that you can only be really happy with consumption, we have become slaves. And we continue to dive into this dependency. Especially because we are now becoming more and more transparent through the possibility of digital surveillance (social media). Those who want to sell us something no longer have to take the detour to convince us or at least seduce us with skill, but the matter is much more direct. So quickly that we don't have the chance to consider whether what we're buying is really important to us. An offer at the right moment and the right competitive price and you're done.

Of course, these combat prices are not possible if the production and marketing are organized in such a way that people, animals and nature sustained be treated. So everyone who cannot defend themselves will be exploited. And even worse, people who have limited capabilities are made redundant. They are only allowed to participate in the system as long as they have money to spend or can make a profitable contribution - as the exploited or as a sergeant of the system. And then they are expelled.

We are in the grip of the system.

And the absurd thing about everything is that we are digging our own grave all the time. We are so gripped by the system and everything in our lives is coordinated that we can not help but FAST to participate. And so every burger eaten by a fast food chain, every taxi ride made in a limousine that amazingly costs a fraction of a taxi and every order from a big one Shipping company at the cheapest price on the market ensure, that those in this world get more and more power, who don't care what happens in the future and who are only interested in profit and growth.

This is in direct contrast to the operators of sustainable agriculture in the city center. This is primarily about what will happen in the future.

There is only one earth for everyone.

Obviously some also dream of freezing and after death to rise again in a better world. Or they seriously think that if everything is broken, they can flee to a new planet with a shuttle. There is no other way to explain this suicidal attitude.

When all the money is in fewer and fewer hands, the power is with fewer and fewer people. This transforms democracy into an authoritarian system with instructions to follow. In addition, the world loses all diversity and culture. The big systems are not interested in maintaining diversity because it only distracts people.

Our world has just come to a point where we have to decide ... whether we want to spend some time raging around the planet without thinking or want to reflect on what is really important in life. Because in the event that the life and that of our children mean something to us, we have to do everything IMMEDIATELY to save our world.

Visions for a world in which we also want to live.

We need projects that are innovative, but not inhumane, technology-loving, futuristic visions for worlds in which nobody wants to live anymore. We should develop visions around people and their real needs. Like doing sustainable agriculture in the city center.

But what is just as important as these innovative projects is that each individual consumes very consciously. With the money we spend, we can influence the manufacturers what they offer on the market. One has to choose products that are really good for us and are also good for other people, animals and the world. Because then the market reacts with sustainable products. But the market reacts in exactly the same way if we buy superfluous, bad things without criticism, which are on the market after a short time rubbish land. Be it because they are broken and you cannot repair them or because they have become boring.

It is high time to wake up.

And we cannot go on as before. We have to be aware of the circumstances under which the products are made. And we have to show solidarity with the people who work for us. Just because Ethik that is what makes us human and also because this exploitation and ruthlessness drives many people into a life of misery and poverty. And this can lead to epidemics and diseases that threaten the whole world. It leads us right now Corona crisis made clear what can happen. And the last ruthless corporate bosses and politicians should now realize that it is definitely not a solution to build a wall around your paradise or to close the borders. The epidemic affects everyone.

We have to behave like this on the planet and grant everyone the right to life. We have to handle resources carefully and fairly. And we can't live at the expense of others. Neither at the expense of other people, nor animals nor nature.

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Be fair on principle and just do the thing well & live sustainably.

Ideals like "cheap" and "the main thing you have fun" has no future. In principle, be fair and just do it well & live sustainably has a future
Master Eder from the series Master Eder and his pumuckel is not a vegan but he still has a lot in common with hundsfutter.

I recently came across the term "Vision Holder" on the Internet. Somehow I liked the expression straight away. Our “Vision Holder” might be Master Eder vom Pumuckel. Because he wants to be fair on principle and he just wants to do his job well and ensure that the drawer lasts a lifetime and doesn't get stuck. And he wants to be fairly rewarded for this. Not getting rich, but getting enough so that he can maintain his existence without having to lower the price of the timber dealer. Clear thing actually.

Being fair on principle is uncool. The master Eder is unfortunately no longer popular. Things no longer have a long lifespan because predetermined breaking points are incorporated everywhere and there is then no one who can repair them and there are no spare parts either.

That's the plan, so you can make a lot of money quickly. At least a few.

At a time when we believe that we will soon know the recipe of eternal youth, can grow replacement organs and if nothing else helps us just freeze, how can humility exist before life?

But not only are things thrown away quickly, but also life itself. Whether nature, humans or animals.

We have lost our respect for life. On Twitter you can see comments that people care for their cell phones more than other people's feelings…. yes that's really how it is!

Being fair on principle is actually quite normal. Common sense tells Master Eder what is good and what is bad. And he has an absolutely sure sense of what you can and cannot do. He doesn't need complicated laws and regulations. It just tells his heart how it is right.

And that's the point. We want to bring some of this common sense back into the here and now. Slightly turn back the screw. A healthy Sense of responsibility wake up. We are not alone in the world. And that's actually very nice. Simply be fair on principle.

It is something completely different when a person likes values Ethics, reverence for life, solidarity, respect, commitment, goodness, reliability, Etc…. has internalized.

The problems we have have long since ceased to be solved with technology, progress, digitization or applications alone. It is so important that we start giving real life a chance again.

Can't we seriously believe that everything always goes on as before? Sure we are promised, but that is not possible. The limits have long been crossed. And because people are being taken out of the system more and more, it is becoming increasingly unscrupulous and dangerous.

Our society is moving further and further away from what constitutes real life and happiness. Digitization has enabled the controlling forces to influence us in such a way that we uncritically participate in the "cheap" and "main thing you have fun" development. Regardless of whether enormous damage to nature, people and animals simply has to be accepted.

The damage is irreparable, but many are not even aware of the seriousness of the situation. Or it will continue to refer to the others who are finally supposed to do something. And the Solutionsthat we have remain unused.

Maybe we all need a little more “Meister Eder” in us?